Supernova Mage Quick Nav: Decklists | Card Radar To import a deck, click on the image and copy the deck code. Tsunami Supernova Mage 1Miracle Salesman2 CORE 1Seabreeze Chalice2 CORE 1Vicious Slitherspear2 CORE 2Oh, Manager!2 CORE 2Primordial Glyph2 CORE 3Ethereal Oracle2 CORE 3Gorgonzormu CORE 3Marooned Archmage2 CORE 3Metal Detector2 CORE 3Reverberations2 CORE 3Watercolor Artist2 CORE 5Mantle Shaper2 CORE 6Incindius CORE 6Norgannon CORE 6Portalmancer Skyla CORE 8Supernova2 CORE 8Tsunami2 CORE Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.
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