### Capilano’s Giants Miracle Rogue
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Counterfeit Coin
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Hallucination
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Razorpetal Lasher
# 1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
# 2x (3) Fan of Knives
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Sherazin, Corpse Flower
# 2x (4) Tomb Pillager
# 2x (5) Azure Drake
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (5) Vilespine Slayer
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# 2x (12) Arcane Giant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/capilanos-giants-miracle-rogue/