Welcome to the Data Reaper Deck Library! Here you will be able to find card usage radar maps, decklists, strategies, strengths/weaknesses, tech options, and card replacement options for all of the current archetypes!

Click on a classes image below to see the selection of available archetypes.

Data Reaper Report - DruidData Reaper Report - HunterData Reaper Report - MageData Reaper Report - PaladinData Reaper Report - PriestData Reaper Report - RogueData Reaper Report - ShamanData Reaper Report - WarlockData Reaper Report - Warrior

How do the card usage Radar maps work?

We scan the database of games of a particular week, and proceed to run it through a code. The product is a chart; full of circles and links between them. Each circle on the chart is a card that an opponent has played. The circle size is an indication of the number of opponents that have played this card. Two cards are linked if they have been played by the same opponent. These links operate like springs: the larger the number of opponents that have played two cards together, the stronger the spring tension, and the closer the cards are on the chart.
Conversely, cards that have no link between them tend to repel each other. Applied to our data, these conflicting forces result in a visualization where core class cards shared by most decks (e.g. [Fiery War Axe], [Execute]) have a central location, while cards that characterize a specific archetype (e.g. [Alexstrasza’s Champion], [Blackwing Corruptor]) are clustered in a peripheral area.
In such a large number of games as our data contains, it looks almost as if every possible pair of tech cards have been played at least once, so that the visualization tends to be cluttered with a lot of irrelevant information. To reduce this noise, we exclude from the charts the cards and links that are less frequent by some threshold (namely 5% of games for cards and 1% for links).

Black circle = Neutral card
Colored circle = Class card (color is different for every class)
Ring color = Rarity

Also, if some of the cards appear to be outside of the canvas’ range, you can click on a card and drag the cluster around to adjust your view. Note that currently, the radar maps are not mobile friendly.