| Format:Standard
| Era:Perils in Paradise
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
4Virus Module1 CORE
5Perfect Module1 CORE
1Psychic Conjurer1 CORE
1Scarab Keychain1 CORE
2Audio Amplifier1 CORE
2Creation Protocol1 CORE
2Dirty Rat1 CORE
2Power Chord: Synchronize1 CORE
2Watcher of the Sun1 CORE
3Benevolent Banker1 CORE
3Customs Enforcer1 CORE
3Gorgonzormu CORE
3Holy Nova1 CORE
3Madame Lazul CORE
3Overplanner1 CORE
4E.T.C., Band Manager CORE
2Creation Protocol1 CORE
2Dirty Rat1 CORE
4Puppet Theatre1 CORE
4Glowstone Gyreworm1 CORE
4Ignis, the Eternal Flame CORE
4Invasive Shadeleaf1 CORE
4Narain Soothfancy CORE
4Puppet Theatre1 CORE
4Serenity1 CORE
4Sleepy Resident1 CORE
6Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot CORE
6Harmonic Pop1 CORE
7Aman'Thul CORE
7Marin the Manager CORE
7Repackage1 CORE
8Elise, Badlands Savior CORE
10Reno, Lone Ranger CORE
10Yogg-Saron, Unleashed CORE

Core Cards
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
4Virus Module1 CORE
5Perfect Module1 CORE
1Psychic Conjurer1 CORE
1Scarab Keychain1 CORE
2Audio Amplifier1 CORE
2Creation Protocol1 CORE
2Dirty Rat1 CORE
2Power Chord: Synchronize1 CORE
2Watcher of the Sun1 CORE
3Benevolent Banker1 CORE
3Customs Enforcer1 CORE
3Gorgonzormu CORE
3Holy Nova1 CORE
3Madame Lazul CORE
3Overplanner1 CORE
4E.T.C., Band Manager CORE
2Creation Protocol1 CORE
2Dirty Rat1 CORE
4Puppet Theatre1 CORE
4Glowstone Gyreworm1 CORE
4Ignis, the Eternal Flame CORE
4Invasive Shadeleaf1 CORE
4Narain Soothfancy CORE
4Puppet Theatre1 CORE
4Serenity1 CORE
4Sleepy Resident1 CORE
6Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot CORE
6Harmonic Pop1 CORE
7Aman'Thul CORE
7Marin the Manager CORE
7Repackage1 CORE
8Elise, Badlands Savior CORE
10Reno, Lone Ranger CORE
10Yogg-Saron, Unleashed CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 33
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:23800