| Format:Standard
| Era:March of the Lich King
1Foul Egg2 CORE
1Knight of Anointment2 CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
1Sanguine Soldier2 CORE
2Blood Matriarch Liadrin CORE
2For Quel'Thalas!2 CORE
2Great Hall2 CORE
2Kotori Lightblade CORE
2Nerubian Egg2 CORE
3Alliance Bannerman2 CORE
3Seal of Blood2 CORE
3Stonehearth Vindicator2 CORE
4Blademaster Okani CORE
4Blessing of Kings2 CORE
4Buffet Biggun2 CORE
4Cariel Roame CORE
4Sunwing Squawker2 CORE

Core Cards
1Foul Egg2 CORE
1Knight of Anointment2 CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
1Sanguine Soldier2 CORE
2Blood Matriarch Liadrin CORE
2For Quel'Thalas!2 CORE
2Great Hall2 CORE
2Kotori Lightblade CORE
2Nerubian Egg2 CORE
3Alliance Bannerman2 CORE
3Seal of Blood2 CORE
3Stonehearth Vindicator2 CORE
4Blademaster Okani CORE
4Blessing of Kings2 CORE
4Buffet Biggun2 CORE
4Cariel Roame CORE
4Sunwing Squawker2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:8280