| Format:Standard
| Era:March of the Lich King
0Preparation2 CORE
0Shadow of Demise CORE
0Shadowstep2 CORE
1Blackwater Cutlass2 CORE
1Concoctor2 CORE
1Door of Shadows2 CORE
1Ghostly Strike2 CORE
1Gone Fishin'2 CORE
2Astalor Bloodsworn CORE
2Ghoulish Alchemist2 CORE
2Maestra of the Masquerade CORE
2Potion Belt2 CORE
2Potionmaster Putricide CORE
3Sinstone Graveyard2 CORE
4Edwin, Defias Kingpin CORE
6Crabatoa CORE
6Scribbling Stenographer2 CORE
6Wildpaw Gnoll2 CORE

Core Cards
0Preparation2 CORE
0Shadow of Demise CORE
0Shadowstep2 CORE
1Blackwater Cutlass2 CORE
1Concoctor2 CORE
1Door of Shadows2 CORE
1Ghostly Strike2 CORE
1Gone Fishin'2 CORE
2Astalor Bloodsworn CORE
2Ghoulish Alchemist2 CORE
2Maestra of the Masquerade CORE
2Potion Belt2 CORE
2Potionmaster Putricide CORE
3Sinstone Graveyard2 CORE
4Edwin, Defias Kingpin CORE
6Crabatoa CORE
6Scribbling Stenographer2 CORE
6Wildpaw Gnoll2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:11240