| Format:Standard
| Era:Festival of Legends
1Arcane Artificer2 CORE
1Arcane Wyrm2 CORE
1Armor Vendor2 CORE
1Suspicious Alchemist2 CORE
2Cosmic Keyboard2 CORE
2Infinitize the Maxitude CORE
2Prismatic Elemental2 CORE
3Nerubian Vizier2 CORE
3Nightcloak Sanctum2 CORE
3Solid Alibi2 CORE
4Cold Case2 CORE
4Commander Sivara CORE
4Volume Up2 CORE
6Blizzard2 CORE
6Deathborne2 CORE
8Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable CORE
9Grand Magister Rommath CORE

Core Cards
1Arcane Artificer2 CORE
1Arcane Wyrm2 CORE
1Armor Vendor2 CORE
1Suspicious Alchemist2 CORE
2Cosmic Keyboard2 CORE
2Infinitize the Maxitude CORE
2Prismatic Elemental2 CORE
3Nerubian Vizier2 CORE
3Nightcloak Sanctum2 CORE
3Solid Alibi2 CORE
4Cold Case2 CORE
4Commander Sivara CORE
4Volume Up2 CORE
6Blizzard2 CORE
6Deathborne2 CORE
8Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable CORE
9Grand Magister Rommath CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:10320