| Format:Standard
| Era:Darkmoon Faire
0Raise Dead1 CORE
1Animated Broomstick1 CORE
1Draconic Studies1 CORE
1Renew1 CORE
1Wave of Apathy1 CORE
2Insight1 CORE
2Penance1 CORE
2Sethekk Veilweaver1 CORE
2Shadow Word: Death1 CORE
2Wandmaker1 CORE
2Wild Pyromancer1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Apotheosis1 CORE
3Breath of the Infinite1 CORE
3Holy Nova1 CORE
3Madame Lazul CORE
3Mindflayer Kaahrj CORE
3Mindrender Illucia CORE
3Nazmani Bloodweaver1 CORE
3Palm Reading1 CORE
4Cabal Acolyte1 CORE
5Cobalt Spellkin1 CORE
6Kronx Dragonhoof CORE
7Galakrond, the Unspeakable CORE
7Siamat CORE
7Soul Mirror CORE
8G'huun the Blood God CORE
8Murozond the Infinite CORE
9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza CORE
9Plague of Death1 CORE

Core Cards
0Raise Dead1 CORE
1Animated Broomstick1 CORE
1Draconic Studies1 CORE
1Renew1 CORE
1Wave of Apathy1 CORE
2Insight1 CORE
2Penance1 CORE
2Sethekk Veilweaver1 CORE
2Shadow Word: Death1 CORE
2Wandmaker1 CORE
2Wild Pyromancer1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Apotheosis1 CORE
3Breath of the Infinite1 CORE
3Holy Nova1 CORE
3Madame Lazul CORE
3Mindflayer Kaahrj CORE
3Mindrender Illucia CORE
3Nazmani Bloodweaver1 CORE
3Palm Reading1 CORE
4Cabal Acolyte1 CORE
5Cobalt Spellkin1 CORE
6Kronx Dragonhoof CORE
7Galakrond, the Unspeakable CORE
7Siamat CORE
7Soul Mirror CORE
8G'huun the Blood God CORE
8Murozond the Infinite CORE
9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza CORE
9Plague of Death1 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:19660