| Format:Standard
| Era:Fractured in Alterac Valley
1Arcane Shot2 CORE
1Defend the Dwarven District CORE
1Overwhelm2 CORE
1Tracking2 CORE
1Wound Prey2 CORE
2Bola Shot2 CORE
2Dragonbane Shot2 CORE
2Explosive Trap2 CORE
2Furious Howl2 CORE
2Quick Shot2 CORE
3Aimed Shot2 CORE
3Professor Slate CORE
3Rustrot Viper2 CORE
4Drek'Thar CORE
4Piercing Shot2 CORE
4Rinling's Rifle CORE
4Spring the Trap1 FLEX
6Beaststalker Tavish FLEX

1Carrion Studies2 TECH
1Resizing Pouch2 TECH
Core Cards
1Arcane Shot2 CORE
1Defend the Dwarven District CORE
1Overwhelm2 CORE
1Tracking2 CORE
1Wound Prey2 CORE
2Bola Shot2 CORE
2Dragonbane Shot2 CORE
2Explosive Trap2 CORE
2Furious Howl2 CORE
2Quick Shot2 CORE
3Aimed Shot2 CORE
3Professor Slate CORE
3Rustrot Viper2 CORE
4Drek'Thar CORE
4Piercing Shot2 CORE
4Rinling's Rifle CORE
Flex Cards
4Spring the Trap1 FLEX
6Beaststalker Tavish FLEX
Tech Cards
1Carrion Studies2 TECH
1Resizing Pouch2 TECH

Core: 28
| Flex: 2
| Tech: 4
| DUST COST:9280