| Format:Standard
| Era:United in Stormwind
1Animated Broomstick2 CORE
1Blessed Goods2 CORE
1Conviction (Rank 1)2 CORE
1First Day of School2 CORE
1Knight of Anointment2 CORE
1Pen Flinger2 CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
1Rise to the Occasion CORE
1Tour Guide2 CORE
2Hand of A'dal2 CORE
2Wandmaker2 CORE
3Alliance Bannerman2 CORE
3Day at the Faire2 CORE
3Lord Barov CORE
4Kazakus, Golem Shaper CORE
5Lothraxion the Redeemed CORE
5Taelan Fordring CORE
6Cornelius Roame CORE

Core Cards
1Animated Broomstick2 CORE
1Blessed Goods2 CORE
1Conviction (Rank 1)2 CORE
1First Day of School2 CORE
1Knight of Anointment2 CORE
1Pen Flinger2 CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
1Rise to the Occasion CORE
1Tour Guide2 CORE
2Hand of A'dal2 CORE
2Wandmaker2 CORE
3Alliance Bannerman2 CORE
3Day at the Faire2 CORE
3Lord Barov CORE
4Kazakus, Golem Shaper CORE
5Lothraxion the Redeemed CORE
5Taelan Fordring CORE
6Cornelius Roame CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:9600