| Format:Standard
| Era:Ashes of Outland
1Arcane Shot2 CORE
1Blazing Battlemage2 CORE
1Dwarven Sharpshooter2 CORE
1Stonetusk Boar2 CORE
1Toxic Reinforcements2 CORE
1Tracking2 CORE
2Explosive Trap2 CORE
2Imprisoned Felmaw2 CORE
2Kobold Sandtrooper2 CORE
2Phase Stalker2 CORE
2Scavenger's Ingenuity2 CORE
3Eaglehorn Bow2 CORE
3Kill Command2 CORE
3Unleash the Hounds2 CORE
4Dragonbane CORE
4Scrap Shot1 CORE

Core Cards
1Arcane Shot2 CORE
1Blazing Battlemage2 CORE
1Dwarven Sharpshooter2 CORE
1Stonetusk Boar2 CORE
1Toxic Reinforcements2 CORE
1Tracking2 CORE
2Explosive Trap2 CORE
2Imprisoned Felmaw2 CORE
2Kobold Sandtrooper2 CORE
2Phase Stalker2 CORE
2Scavenger's Ingenuity2 CORE
3Eaglehorn Bow2 CORE
3Kill Command2 CORE
3Unleash the Hounds2 CORE
4Dragonbane CORE
4Scrap Shot1 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:3460