| Format:Standard
| Era:The Great Dark Beyond
0Innervate2 CORE
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
4Virus Module1 CORE
5Perfect Module1 CORE
1Arkonite Revelation2 CORE
1Malfurion's Gift2 CORE
2Trail Mix2 CORE
3Frost Lotus Seedling2 CORE
3New Heights2 CORE
3Pendant of Earth2 CORE
7Crystal Cluster2 CORE
7Kil'jaeden FLEX
8Hydration Station2 CORE
8Sleep Under the Stars1 FLEX
8Splitting Spacerock2 CORE
8Star Grazer2 CORE
8Thunderbringer CORE
9Travelmaster Dungar CORE
10Eonar, the Life-Binder CORE
10Yogg-Saron, Unleashed CORE
100The Ceaseless Expanse FLEX
0Forbidden Fruit2 TECH
2Embrace of Nature1 TECH
7Drum Circle2 TECH
Core Cards
0Innervate2 CORE
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
0Zilliax Deluxe 3000 CORE
4Virus Module1 CORE
5Perfect Module1 CORE
1Arkonite Revelation2 CORE
1Malfurion's Gift2 CORE
2Trail Mix2 CORE
3Frost Lotus Seedling2 CORE
3New Heights2 CORE
3Pendant of Earth2 CORE
7Crystal Cluster2 CORE
8Hydration Station2 CORE
8Splitting Spacerock2 CORE
8Star Grazer2 CORE
8Thunderbringer CORE
9Travelmaster Dungar CORE
10Eonar, the Life-Binder CORE
10Yogg-Saron, Unleashed CORE
Flex Cards
7Kil'jaeden FLEX
8Sleep Under the Stars1 FLEX
100The Ceaseless Expanse FLEX
Tech Cards
0Forbidden Fruit2 TECH
2Embrace of Nature1 TECH
7Drum Circle2 TECH
Core: 27
| Flex: 3
| Tech: 5
| DUST COST:15520