CLASS:Demon Hunter
| Format:Standard
| Era:Festival of Legends
0Dispose of Evidence2 CORE
1Feast of Souls2 CORE
1Illidari Studies2 CORE
1Taste of Chaos2 CORE
1Unleash Fel2 CORE
2Mark of Scorn2 CORE
2Spectral Sight2 CORE
3Eye Beam2 CORE
3Silvermoon Arcanist1 CORE
4Fel'dorei Warband2 CORE
4Felerin, the Forgotten CORE
4Glaivetar2 CORE
4Going Down Swinging CORE
4Halveria Darkraven CORE
4Metamorphosis CORE
4Souleater's Scythe CORE
5Remixed Rhapsody2 CORE

Core Cards
0Dispose of Evidence2 CORE
1Feast of Souls2 CORE
1Illidari Studies2 CORE
1Taste of Chaos2 CORE
1Unleash Fel2 CORE
2Mark of Scorn2 CORE
2Spectral Sight2 CORE
3Eye Beam2 CORE
3Silvermoon Arcanist1 CORE
4Fel'dorei Warband2 CORE
4Felerin, the Forgotten CORE
4Glaivetar2 CORE
4Going Down Swinging CORE
4Halveria Darkraven CORE
4Metamorphosis CORE
4Souleater's Scythe CORE
5Remixed Rhapsody2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:10320