| Format:Standard
| Era:Murder at Castle Nathria
0Aquatic Form2 CORE
1Beaming Sidekick2 CORE
1Druid of the Reef2 CORE
1Irondeep Trogg2 CORE
1Living Roots2 CORE
1Peasant2 CORE
1Planted Evidence2 CORE
1Sow the Soil2 CORE
1Vicious Slitherspear2 CORE
2Crooked Cook2 FLEX
2Jerry Rig Carpenter2 CORE
2Mark of the Wild2 CORE
2Thorngrowth Sentries2 CORE
3Herald of Nature2 CORE
4Pride's Fury2 CORE

2Clawfury Adept2 TECH
Core Cards
0Aquatic Form2 CORE
1Beaming Sidekick2 CORE
1Druid of the Reef2 CORE
1Irondeep Trogg2 CORE
1Living Roots2 CORE
1Peasant2 CORE
1Planted Evidence2 CORE
1Sow the Soil2 CORE
1Vicious Slitherspear2 CORE
2Jerry Rig Carpenter2 CORE
2Mark of the Wild2 CORE
2Thorngrowth Sentries2 CORE
3Herald of Nature2 CORE
4Pride's Fury2 CORE
Flex Cards
2Crooked Cook2 FLEX
Tech Cards
2Clawfury Adept2 TECH

Core: 28
| Flex: 2
| Tech: 2
| DUST COST:1560