| Format:Wild
| Era:Ashes of Outland
1Kobold Librarian2 CORE
1Mistress of Mixtures2 CORE
1Plague of Flames2 CORE
1Unstable Felbolt2 CORE
2Defile2 CORE
2Expired Merchant1 CORE
3Dark Skies2 CORE
3Sense Demons2 CORE
4Voidcaller2 CORE
5Carnivorous Cube2 CORE
5Faceless Manipulator2 CORE
5Skull of the Man'ari CORE
5Zilliax CORE
8Enhanced Dreadlord2 CORE
9Mal'Ganis CORE
9Voidlord2 CORE
10Bloodreaver Gul'dan CORE
10N'Zoth, the Corruptor CORE

Core Cards
1Kobold Librarian2 CORE
1Mistress of Mixtures2 CORE
1Plague of Flames2 CORE
1Unstable Felbolt2 CORE
2Defile2 CORE
2Expired Merchant1 CORE
3Dark Skies2 CORE
3Sense Demons2 CORE
4Voidcaller2 CORE
5Carnivorous Cube2 CORE
5Faceless Manipulator2 CORE
5Skull of the Man'ari CORE
5Zilliax CORE
8Enhanced Dreadlord2 CORE
9Mal'Ganis CORE
9Voidlord2 CORE
10Bloodreaver Gul'dan CORE
10N'Zoth, the Corruptor CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:12300