| Format:Standard
| Era:Ashes of Outland
2Witch's Brew2 CORE
3Far Sight2 CORE
3Hex2 CORE
3Lady Vashj CORE
3Lightning Storm2 CORE
3Marshspawn2 CORE
3Serpentshrine Portal2 CORE
4The Fist of Ra-den CORE
4Torrent2 CORE
5Hagatha's Scheme2 CORE
5Shattered Rumbler2 CORE
6Kael'thas Sunstrider CORE
6The Lurker Below CORE
7Earthquake2 CORE
8Archivist Elysiana CORE
8Walking Fountain2 CORE
10Eye of the Storm2 CORE
10King Phaoris CORE

Core Cards
2Witch's Brew2 CORE
3Far Sight2 CORE
3Hex2 CORE
3Lady Vashj CORE
3Lightning Storm2 CORE
3Marshspawn2 CORE
3Serpentshrine Portal2 CORE
4The Fist of Ra-den CORE
4Torrent2 CORE
5Hagatha's Scheme2 CORE
5Shattered Rumbler2 CORE
6Kael'thas Sunstrider CORE
6The Lurker Below CORE
7Earthquake2 CORE
8Archivist Elysiana CORE
8Walking Fountain2 CORE
10Eye of the Storm2 CORE
10King Phaoris CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:13120