| Format:Standard
| Era:Ashes of Outland
1Aldor Attendant2 CORE
1Imprisoned Sungill2 CORE
2Hand of A'dal2 CORE
2Libram of Wisdom2 CORE
2Murgur Murgurgle CORE
2Shotbot2 CORE
3Bronze Explorer2 CORE
3Consecration2 CORE
3Underlight Angling Rod2 CORE
4Lightforged Zealot2 CORE
5Aldor Truthseeker2 CORE
5Amber Watcher2 CORE
5Libram of Justice2 CORE
7Lady Liadrin CORE
7Lightforged Crusader2 CORE
9Libram of Hope2 CORE

Core Cards
1Aldor Attendant2 CORE
1Imprisoned Sungill2 CORE
2Hand of A'dal2 CORE
2Libram of Wisdom2 CORE
2Murgur Murgurgle CORE
2Shotbot2 CORE
3Bronze Explorer2 CORE
3Consecration2 CORE
3Underlight Angling Rod2 CORE
4Lightforged Zealot2 CORE
5Aldor Truthseeker2 CORE
5Amber Watcher2 CORE
5Libram of Justice2 CORE
7Lady Liadrin CORE
7Lightforged Crusader2 CORE
9Libram of Hope2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:6880