| Format:Standard
| Era:Saviors of Uldum
1Arcane Shot1 CORE
1Secret Plan1 CORE
1Tracking1 CORE
2Bomb Toss1 CORE
2Explosive Trap1 CORE
2Freezing Trap1 CORE
2Pressure Plate1 CORE
2Rapid Fire1 CORE
2Snipe1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Animal Companion1 CORE
3Deadly Shot1 CORE
3Desert Spear1 CORE
3Eaglehorn Bow1 CORE
3Kill Command1 CORE
3Master's Call1 CORE
3Unleash the Hounds1 CORE
4Marked Shot1 CORE
4Wing Blast1 CORE
5Baited Arrow1 CORE
5Faceless Manipulator1 CORE
6Swarm of Locusts1 CORE
6Unleash the Beast1 CORE
7Dinotamer Brann CORE
8Jepetto Joybuzz CORE
9Malygos CORE
10Zul'jin CORE

Core Cards
1Arcane Shot1 CORE
1Secret Plan1 CORE
1Tracking1 CORE
2Bomb Toss1 CORE
2Explosive Trap1 CORE
2Freezing Trap1 CORE
2Pressure Plate1 CORE
2Rapid Fire1 CORE
2Snipe1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Animal Companion1 CORE
3Deadly Shot1 CORE
3Desert Spear1 CORE
3Eaglehorn Bow1 CORE
3Kill Command1 CORE
3Master's Call1 CORE
3Unleash the Hounds1 CORE
4Marked Shot1 CORE
4Wing Blast1 CORE
5Baited Arrow1 CORE
5Faceless Manipulator1 CORE
6Swarm of Locusts1 CORE
6Unleash the Beast1 CORE
7Dinotamer Brann CORE
8Jepetto Joybuzz CORE
9Malygos CORE
10Zul'jin CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 27
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:12080