| Format:Wild
| Era:Saviors of Uldum
1Blessing of Might2 CORE
1Lost in the Jungle2 CORE
1Never Surrender!2 CORE
1Patches the Pirate CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
1Southsea Deckhand2 CORE
3Divine Favor1 CORE
3Ironbeak Owl1 CORE
3Muster for Battle2 CORE
3Rallying Blade1 CORE
3Steward of Darkshire2 CORE
3Unidentified Maul1 CORE
3Warhorse Trainer2 CORE
5Fungalmancer1 CORE
5Leeroy Jenkins CORE
5Loatheb CORE
5Quartermaster2 CORE
6Vinecleaver1 CORE
7Corridor Creeper2 CORE
9Baku the Mooneater CORE

Core Cards
1Blessing of Might2 CORE
1Lost in the Jungle2 CORE
1Never Surrender!2 CORE
1Patches the Pirate CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
1Southsea Deckhand2 CORE
3Divine Favor1 CORE
3Ironbeak Owl1 CORE
3Muster for Battle2 CORE
3Rallying Blade1 CORE
3Steward of Darkshire2 CORE
3Unidentified Maul1 CORE
3Warhorse Trainer2 CORE
5Fungalmancer1 CORE
5Leeroy Jenkins CORE
5Loatheb CORE
5Quartermaster2 CORE
6Vinecleaver1 CORE
7Corridor Creeper2 CORE
9Baku the Mooneater CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:9280