| Format:Standard
| Era:Fractured in Alterac Valley
0Desperate Prayer2 CORE
0Raise Dead2 CORE
1Cleric of An'she2 CORE
1Elwynn Boar2 CORE
1Gift of the Naaru2 CORE
1Renew2 CORE
1Shadow Word: Devour2 CORE
1Shard of the Naaru2 CORE
2Insight2 CORE
2Thrive in the Shadows2 CORE
3Amulet of Undying2 CORE
3Gift of Luminance2 CORE
3Palm Reading2 CORE
4Hysteria1 CORE
4Lightmaw Netherdrake2 CORE
4Xyrella CORE

Core Cards
0Desperate Prayer2 CORE
0Raise Dead2 CORE
1Cleric of An'she2 CORE
1Elwynn Boar2 CORE
1Gift of the Naaru2 CORE
1Renew2 CORE
1Shadow Word: Devour2 CORE
1Shard of the Naaru2 CORE
2Insight2 CORE
2Thrive in the Shadows2 CORE
3Amulet of Undying2 CORE
3Gift of Luminance2 CORE
3Palm Reading2 CORE
4Hysteria1 CORE
4Lightmaw Netherdrake2 CORE
4Xyrella CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:5260