| Format:Standard
| Era:Ashes of Outland
1Arcane Breath1 CORE
1Ray of Frost1 CORE
2Ancient Mysteries1 CORE
2Astromancer Solarian CORE
2Doomsayer1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Arcane Intellect1 CORE
3Flame Ward1 CORE
3Frost Nova1 CORE
3Ice Barrier1 CORE
3Imprisoned Observer1 CORE
3Overconfident Orc1 CORE
4Bone Wraith1 CORE
4Escaped Manasaber1 CORE
4Twilight Drake1 CORE
5Malygos, Aspect of Magic CORE
5Rolling Fireball1 CORE
5Ruststeed Raider1 CORE
6Blizzard1 FLEX
6Dragoncaster1 CORE
6Khartut Defender1 CORE
6Reno the Relicologist CORE
8Deep Freeze1 CORE
8Kalecgos CORE
8Power of Creation1 CORE
8Tortollan Pilgrim1 CORE
9Alexstrasza CORE
9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza CORE
10Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron1 CORE
10The Amazing Reno CORE

7Siamat TECH
Core Cards
1Arcane Breath1 CORE
1Ray of Frost1 CORE
2Ancient Mysteries1 CORE
2Astromancer Solarian CORE
2Doomsayer1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Arcane Intellect1 CORE
3Flame Ward1 CORE
3Frost Nova1 CORE
3Ice Barrier1 CORE
3Imprisoned Observer1 CORE
3Overconfident Orc1 CORE
4Bone Wraith1 CORE
4Escaped Manasaber1 CORE
4Twilight Drake1 CORE
5Malygos, Aspect of Magic CORE
5Rolling Fireball1 CORE
5Ruststeed Raider1 CORE
6Dragoncaster1 CORE
6Khartut Defender1 CORE
6Reno the Relicologist CORE
8Deep Freeze1 CORE
8Kalecgos CORE
8Power of Creation1 CORE
8Tortollan Pilgrim1 CORE
9Alexstrasza CORE
9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza CORE
10Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron1 CORE
10The Amazing Reno CORE
Flex Cards
6Blizzard1 FLEX
Tech Cards
7Siamat TECH

Core: 29
| Flex: 1
| Tech: 1
| DUST COST:16180