| Format:Wild
| Era:United in Stormwind
1Arcane Shot2 CORE
1Defend the Dwarven District CORE
1Flare2 CORE
1Hunter's Mark2 CORE
1On the Hunt2 CORE
1Overwhelm2 CORE
1Toxic Reinforcements2 CORE
1Tracking2 CORE
1Wound Prey2 CORE
2Rapid Fire2 CORE
3Aimed Shot2 CORE
3Auctionmaster Beardo CORE
3Impatient Shopkeep1 CORE
3Kill Command2 CORE
3Powershot2 CORE
3Rustrot Viper2 CORE
9Baku the Mooneater CORE

Core Cards
1Arcane Shot2 CORE
1Defend the Dwarven District CORE
1Flare2 CORE
1Hunter's Mark2 CORE
1On the Hunt2 CORE
1Overwhelm2 CORE
1Toxic Reinforcements2 CORE
1Tracking2 CORE
1Wound Prey2 CORE
2Rapid Fire2 CORE
3Aimed Shot2 CORE
3Auctionmaster Beardo CORE
3Impatient Shopkeep1 CORE
3Kill Command2 CORE
3Powershot2 CORE
3Rustrot Viper2 CORE
9Baku the Mooneater CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:6640