| Format:Standard
| Era:The Great Dark Beyond
- 1Seabreeze Chalice2 CORE
- 2Cosmic Keyboard2 CORE
- 2Frostbolt2 CORE
- 2Heat Wave2 CORE
- 2Infinitize the Maxitude CORE
- 2Malfunction2 CORE
- 2Primordial Glyph2 CORE
- 3Elemental Companion2 CORE
- 3Molten Rune2 CORE
- 3Reverberations2 CORE
- 4Spot the Difference2 CORE
- 5Manufacturing Error2 CORE
- 5Star Power2 CORE
- 8Yogg in the Box2 CORE
- 9Sunset Volley2 CORE
- 10The Galactic Projection Orb CORE
Core Cards
- 1Seabreeze Chalice2 CORE
- 2Cosmic Keyboard2 CORE
- 2Frostbolt2 CORE
- 2Heat Wave2 CORE
- 2Infinitize the Maxitude CORE
- 2Malfunction2 CORE
- 2Primordial Glyph2 CORE
- 3Elemental Companion2 CORE
- 3Molten Rune2 CORE
- 3Reverberations2 CORE
- 4Spot the Difference2 CORE
- 5Manufacturing Error2 CORE
- 5Star Power2 CORE
- 8Yogg in the Box2 CORE
- 9Sunset Volley2 CORE
- 10The Galactic Projection Orb CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards
Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:6600