| Format:Wild
| Era:Saviors of Uldum
0Zap!1 CORE
1Earth Shock1 CORE
1Lightning Bolt1 CORE
1Voltaic Burst1 CORE
2Ancestral Knowledge1 CORE
2Devolve1 CORE
2Maelstrom Portal1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Acolyte of Pain1 CORE
3Bog Slosher1 CORE
3Far Sight1 CORE
3Hex1 CORE
3Lightning Storm1 CORE
3Mana Tide Totem1 CORE
3Plague of Murlocs1 CORE
3Zola the Gorgon CORE
4Witchwood Piper1 CORE
5Antique Healbot1 CORE
5Barista Lynchen CORE
5Doppelgangster1 CORE
5Hagatha's Scheme1 CORE
5Loatheb CORE
5Spirit of the Frog1 CORE
5Volcano1 CORE
5Zilliax CORE
6Grumble, Worldshaker CORE
6Reno Jackson CORE
8Jepetto Joybuzz CORE
8Walking Fountain1 CORE
9Shudderwock CORE

Core Cards
0Zap!1 CORE
1Earth Shock1 CORE
1Lightning Bolt1 CORE
1Voltaic Burst1 CORE
2Ancestral Knowledge1 CORE
2Devolve1 CORE
2Maelstrom Portal1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Acolyte of Pain1 CORE
3Bog Slosher1 CORE
3Far Sight1 CORE
3Hex1 CORE
3Lightning Storm1 CORE
3Mana Tide Totem1 CORE
3Plague of Murlocs1 CORE
3Zola the Gorgon CORE
4Witchwood Piper1 CORE
5Antique Healbot1 CORE
5Barista Lynchen CORE
5Doppelgangster1 CORE
5Hagatha's Scheme1 CORE
5Loatheb CORE
5Spirit of the Frog1 CORE
5Volcano1 CORE
5Zilliax CORE
6Grumble, Worldshaker CORE
6Reno Jackson CORE
8Jepetto Joybuzz CORE
8Walking Fountain1 CORE
9Shudderwock CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:16580