| Format:Standard
1Discovery of Magic2 CORE
1Flame Geyser2 CORE
1Sir Finley, Sea Guide CORE
1Vicious Slitherspear2 CORE
2Amalgam of the Deep2 CORE
2Frozen Touch2 CORE
2Gifts of Azshara2 CORE
2Infinitize the Maxitude CORE
2Spellcoiler2 CORE
2Vast Wisdom2 CORE
3Reverberations1 CORE
3Zola the Gorgon CORE
4Commander Sivara CORE
4School Teacher2 CORE
4Spitelash Siren2 CORE
5Inquisitive Creation2 CORE
5Wisdom of Norgannon2 CORE

Core Cards
1Discovery of Magic2 CORE
1Flame Geyser2 CORE
1Sir Finley, Sea Guide CORE
1Vicious Slitherspear2 CORE
2Amalgam of the Deep2 CORE
2Frozen Touch2 CORE
2Gifts of Azshara2 CORE
2Infinitize the Maxitude CORE
2Spellcoiler2 CORE
2Vast Wisdom2 CORE
3Reverberations1 CORE
3Zola the Gorgon CORE
4Commander Sivara CORE
4School Teacher2 CORE
4Spitelash Siren2 CORE
5Inquisitive Creation2 CORE
5Wisdom of Norgannon2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:12540