| Format:Standard
| Era:March of the Lich King
0Undying Allies2 CORE
1Arms Dealer2 CORE
1Foul Egg2 CORE
1Irondeep Trogg2 CORE
1Voidtouched Attendant2 CORE
1Wailing Banshee2 CORE
2Incorporeal Corporal2 CORE
2Mind Eater2 CORE
2Twilight Deceptor2 CORE
3Cathedral of Atonement2 CORE
3Haunting Nightmare2 CORE
3Shadowed Spirit2 CORE
4Grave Digging2 CORE
4High Cultist Basaleph CORE
5Darkbishop Benedictus CORE
5Shadow Word: Undeath2 CORE

Core Cards
0Undying Allies2 CORE
1Arms Dealer2 CORE
1Foul Egg2 CORE
1Irondeep Trogg2 CORE
1Voidtouched Attendant2 CORE
1Wailing Banshee2 CORE
2Incorporeal Corporal2 CORE
2Mind Eater2 CORE
2Twilight Deceptor2 CORE
3Cathedral of Atonement2 CORE
3Haunting Nightmare2 CORE
3Shadowed Spirit2 CORE
4Grave Digging2 CORE
4High Cultist Basaleph CORE
5Darkbishop Benedictus CORE
5Shadow Word: Undeath2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:6880