| Format:Classic
| Era:Forged in the Barrens
0Innervate2 CORE
1Argent Squire2 CORE
2Loot Hoarder2 CORE
2Power of the Wild2 CORE
2Wild Growth2 CORE
2Wrath2 CORE
3Harvest Golem2 CORE
3Savage Roar2 CORE
4Keeper of the Grove2 CORE
4Swipe2 CORE
4Violet Teacher2 CORE
5Azure Drake2 CORE
5Druid of the Claw2 CORE
6Force of Nature2 CORE
7Ancient of Lore2 CORE

Core Cards
0Innervate2 CORE
1Argent Squire2 CORE
2Loot Hoarder2 CORE
2Power of the Wild2 CORE
2Wild Growth2 CORE
2Wrath2 CORE
3Harvest Golem2 CORE
3Savage Roar2 CORE
4Keeper of the Grove2 CORE
4Swipe2 CORE
4Violet Teacher2 CORE
5Azure Drake2 CORE
5Druid of the Claw2 CORE
6Force of Nature2 CORE
7Ancient of Lore2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:2680