| Format:Standard
| Era:Saviors of Uldum
0Zap!2 CORE
1Lightning Bolt2 CORE
1Murloc Tidecaller2 CORE
1Sludge Slurper2 CORE
1Voltaic Burst2 CORE
2Earthen Might2 CORE
2Likkim2 CORE
2Soul of the Murloc2 CORE
2Underbelly Angler2 CORE
3Feral Spirit2 CORE
3Haunting Visions1 CORE
4Thunderhead2 CORE
4Vessina CORE
5Bloodlust2 CORE
5Spirit of the Frog2 CORE
9Mogu Fleshshaper2 CORE

Core Cards
0Zap!2 CORE
1Lightning Bolt2 CORE
1Murloc Tidecaller2 CORE
1Sludge Slurper2 CORE
1Voltaic Burst2 CORE
2Earthen Might2 CORE
2Likkim2 CORE
2Soul of the Murloc2 CORE
2Underbelly Angler2 CORE
3Feral Spirit2 CORE
3Haunting Visions1 CORE
4Thunderhead2 CORE
4Vessina CORE
5Bloodlust2 CORE
5Spirit of the Frog2 CORE
9Mogu Fleshshaper2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 30
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:4840