| Format:Standard
| Era:Murder at Castle Nathria
1Muck Pools2 CORE
1Schooling2 CORE
2Amalgam of the Deep2 CORE
2Bolner Hammerbeak CORE
2Sleetbreaker2 CORE
3Brann Bronzebeard CORE
3Brilliant Macaw2 CORE
3Clownfish2 CORE
3Cookie the Cook CORE
3Primal Dungeoneer2 CORE
3Primordial Wave2 CORE
3Prince Renathal CORE
4Blademaster Okani FLEX
4Firemancer Flurgl CORE
5Command of Neptulon2 CORE
5Famished Fool2 CORE
5Gorloc Ravager2 CORE
6Snowfall Guardian2 CORE
6Theotar, the Mad Duke CORE
7Glugg the Gulper FLEX
7Mutanus the Devourer CORE
8Bru'kan of the Elements CORE
8Kael'thas Sinstrider CORE
9Insatiable Devourer2 CORE
10Goldshire Gnoll2 CORE
10Sire Denathrius CORE

4Crud Caretaker2 TECH
Core Cards
1Muck Pools2 CORE
1Schooling2 CORE
2Amalgam of the Deep2 CORE
2Bolner Hammerbeak CORE
2Sleetbreaker2 CORE
3Brann Bronzebeard CORE
3Brilliant Macaw2 CORE
3Clownfish2 CORE
3Cookie the Cook CORE
3Primal Dungeoneer2 CORE
3Primordial Wave2 CORE
3Prince Renathal CORE
4Firemancer Flurgl CORE
5Command of Neptulon2 CORE
5Famished Fool2 CORE
5Gorloc Ravager2 CORE
6Snowfall Guardian2 CORE
6Theotar, the Mad Duke CORE
7Mutanus the Devourer CORE
8Bru'kan of the Elements CORE
8Kael'thas Sinstrider CORE
9Insatiable Devourer2 CORE
10Goldshire Gnoll2 CORE
10Sire Denathrius CORE
Flex Cards
4Blademaster Okani FLEX
7Glugg the Gulper FLEX
Tech Cards
4Crud Caretaker2 TECH

Core: 38
| Flex: 2
| Tech: 2
| DUST COST:21600