| Format:Wild
| Era:Murder at Castle Nathria
0Raise Dead1 CORE
1Armor Vendor1 CORE
1Glacial Shard1 CORE
1Grimoire of Sacrifice1 CORE
1Kobold Librarian1 CORE
1Mistress of Mixtures1 CORE
1Plague of Flames1 CORE
1Sir Finley, Sea Guide CORE
1The Soularium CORE
1Touch of the Nathrezim1 CORE
1Tour Guide1 CORE
2Arson Accusation1 CORE
2Defile1 CORE
2Dirty Rat1 CORE
2Drain Soul1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Backfire1 CORE
3Brann Bronzebeard CORE
3Full-Blown Evil1 CORE
3Prince Renathal CORE
3Rustrot Viper1 CORE
3Zola the Gorgon CORE
4Blademaster Okani CORE
4Hysteria1 CORE
4Kazakus CORE
4Seadevil Stinger1 CORE
4Soul Rend1 CORE
5Gorloc Ravager1 CORE
5Loatheb CORE
6Anetheron CORE
6Dreadlich Tamsin CORE
6Entitled Customer1 CORE
6Reno Jackson CORE
6Theotar, the Mad Duke CORE
7Mutanus the Devourer CORE
8Gigafin CORE
10Goldshire Gnoll1 CORE
10Raid Boss Onyxia CORE
10Sire Denathrius CORE
22Molten Giant1 CORE

Core Cards
0Raise Dead1 CORE
1Armor Vendor1 CORE
1Glacial Shard1 CORE
1Grimoire of Sacrifice1 CORE
1Kobold Librarian1 CORE
1Mistress of Mixtures1 CORE
1Plague of Flames1 CORE
1Sir Finley, Sea Guide CORE
1The Soularium CORE
1Touch of the Nathrezim1 CORE
1Tour Guide1 CORE
2Arson Accusation1 CORE
2Defile1 CORE
2Dirty Rat1 CORE
2Drain Soul1 CORE
2Zephrys the Great CORE
3Backfire1 CORE
3Brann Bronzebeard CORE
3Full-Blown Evil1 CORE
3Prince Renathal CORE
3Rustrot Viper1 CORE
3Zola the Gorgon CORE
4Blademaster Okani CORE
4Hysteria1 CORE
4Kazakus CORE
4Seadevil Stinger1 CORE
4Soul Rend1 CORE
5Gorloc Ravager1 CORE
5Loatheb CORE
6Anetheron CORE
6Dreadlich Tamsin CORE
6Entitled Customer1 CORE
6Reno Jackson CORE
6Theotar, the Mad Duke CORE
7Mutanus the Devourer CORE
8Gigafin CORE
10Goldshire Gnoll1 CORE
10Raid Boss Onyxia CORE
10Sire Denathrius CORE
22Molten Giant1 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 40
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:24860