| Format:Wild
| Era:Murder at Castle Nathria
1Blessing of Wisdom2 CORE
1Crystology2 CORE
1Oh My Yogg!2 CORE
1Redemption2 CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
2Crabrider2 CORE
2Crystalsmith Kangor CORE
2Hand of A'dal2 CORE
2Kotori Lightblade CORE
2Murgur Murgurgle CORE
2Nerub'ar Weblord2 CORE
2Order in the Court2 CORE
2Sword of the Fallen2 CORE
3Prince Renathal CORE
3Righteous Defense2 CORE
4Blademaster Samuro CORE
4Call to Arms2 CORE
4Cariel Roame CORE
5Blessing of Authority2 CORE
5Zilliax CORE
7Divine Toll2 CORE
7Kangor's Endless Army CORE
7The Leviathan CORE
8Lightforged Cariel CORE
10The Garden's Grace2 CORE

Core Cards
1Blessing of Wisdom2 CORE
1Crystology2 CORE
1Oh My Yogg!2 CORE
1Redemption2 CORE
1Righteous Protector2 CORE
2Crabrider2 CORE
2Crystalsmith Kangor CORE
2Hand of A'dal2 CORE
2Kotori Lightblade CORE
2Murgur Murgurgle CORE
2Nerub'ar Weblord2 CORE
2Order in the Court2 CORE
2Sword of the Fallen2 CORE
3Prince Renathal CORE
3Righteous Defense2 CORE
4Blademaster Samuro CORE
4Call to Arms2 CORE
4Cariel Roame CORE
5Blessing of Authority2 CORE
5Zilliax CORE
7Divine Toll2 CORE
7Kangor's Endless Army CORE
7The Leviathan CORE
8Lightforged Cariel CORE
10The Garden's Grace2 CORE
Flex Cards
Tech Cards

Core: 40
| Flex: 0
| Tech: 0
| DUST COST:20000