How to Break Into the Competitive Hearthstone Scene

Many competitive video games, like, foster a wonderful and interactive community that connects players, fans, pros, and even developers to each other through various means. The Hearthstone eSports community is undoubtedly among the liveliest and most personal, encouraging even the freshest newcomers to mingle with seasoned professionals and game developers daily. Upon first glance one may assume it would be difficult to break into such a thriving community, but rest assured the process is much easier than it seems.

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Dan “Frodan” Chou is a professional Hearthstone and Starcraft caster. Despite his fame and popularity, he regularly tweets out and communicates with fans and enthusiasts of all varieties.


So how do I do it?


Be a Skilled Player

Among the various ways to break into the Hearthstone eSports scene, becoming a skilled player is arguably the most difficult. However, nothing earns popularity and respect among the community more than a player with outstanding abilities. Pros aren’t born overnight. It is imperative to put time and effort into analyzing strategy, improving decision making, and keeping a healthy mentality during competitive play. With enough practice, nearly any new player could stand alongside the pros in the competitive scene.

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Jimmy “Ginge” Pendarvis is a roster player for Vicious Syndicate Gaming. He only began playing Hearthstone seriously in October, and is currently 8th in the Hearthstone World Championship Standings.


Attend Local (or Not so Local) Events

Oftentimes face to face communication stands unrivaled in human being’s methods of networking. Though Hearthstone is an online game, attending local events and gatherings is a great way to help others already in the scene put a name to a face. Making friends and connections in person will surely propel any Hearthstone enthusiast into the scene.

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Luke “ShamonaHe” Brue is employed at eSports Arena in California. A skilled roster player for Vicious Syndicate now, he originally made a name for himself in the scene by meeting and interacting with hundreds of professional players and personalities.


Create Engaging Content

Countless players and fans are constantly looking for more ways to educate and entertain themselves with Hearthstone. Creating content that is appealing to this audience will engage viewers and slowly create a fan base. The key to a successful following when creating content is consistency and reliability. The first article, podcast, or video may only earn five views. However, weekly posts of content will eventually pull in hundreds and even thousands of dedicated fans.

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The Golden Wisp Podcast started a little over a year ago. Since then, they have posted 64 podcasts, and have recently interviewed The 2016 Winter Americas Hearthstone Champion.


Be Active on Social Media

Being a skilled player is undoubtedly difficult. Events aren’t run in every city in the country. Consistently creating content takes time and effort every individual may not have. Though most methods demand a lot of hard work, being active on Twitter requires no more than a few minutes each day and a smartphone. Simply keeping up to date with Hearthstone news and occurrences is not enough. In order to become popular through Twitter, one must form and share opinions that are unique and engaging. An outgoing and well-spoken personality will almost always thrive in social media, especially in the Hearthstone community.

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Rob May is a Hearthstone enthusiast who frequently posts his thoughts and opinions on Twitter. He has nearly 12,000 tweets and over 700 followers.