### Ike’s Rally Vally Pally
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Righteous Protector
# 2x (2) Dirty Rat
# 2x (2) Equality
# 1x (2) Loot Hoarder
# 2x (2) Plated Beetle
# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 2x (3) Rallying Blade
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 1x (4) Blessing of Kings
# 2x (4) Call to Arms
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 2x (4) Saronite Chain Gang
# 1x (5) Fungalmancer
# 1x (6) Argent Commander
# 2x (6) Spikeridged Steed
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (6) Val’anyr
# 1x (7) Lynessa Sunsorrow
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/ikes-rally-vally-pally/
Ike’s Rally Vally Pally