Jaytonic’s Flood Paladin – 85% Winrate to Legend
Well Met! My name is Jaytonic and I am a manager of team Vicious Syndicate. I have been playing Hearthstone since early Beta and have hit legend several times. I try to fit in a [Read More…]
Well Met! My name is Jaytonic and I am a manager of team Vicious Syndicate. I have been playing Hearthstone since early Beta and have hit legend several times. I try to fit in a [Read More…]
Heh, greetings! My name is rayc591 and today I want to talk about the evolution of the Warrior class with the introduction of TGT. As a Warrior main, this set has gotten me so hyped [Read More…]
TGT: A First Impression by Kevin Kookies Hi guys! Kevin Kookies here with a TGT first impression for you. While it remains pretty early in the TGT release, and we don’t quite know what meta [Read More…]
Today we sit down with Vicious Syndicate’s Roster (cgsongbird, Demigod, Shoop, and wwlos) and Player Coach (Deckizz) to discuss their thoughts on the most underrated, overrated, and favorite cards of The Grand Tournament. Agree with [Read More…]
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