vS Data Reaper Podcast: Episode 114
Play more one drops in your Frost DK, add one mana cyclers to your Miracle Rogue, kill people with one mana spells in your Quest DH, and buff one drops to make undead decks playable. [Read More…]
Play more one drops in your Frost DK, add one mana cyclers to your Miracle Rogue, kill people with one mana spells in your Quest DH, and buff one drops to make undead decks playable. [Read More…]
Welcome to the 250th edition of the Data Reaper Report! Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so [Read More…]
They nerfed Renathal! Plus a whole bunch of other cards. We have a whole new format to talk to you about. You can subscribe to the podcast on these platforms: Anchor | Breaker | Google [Read More…]
Welcome to the 249th edition of the Data Reaper Report! This is the first report for March of the Lich King and discusses data following the nerfs to Denathrius and Shockspitter on December 9th. Contributing [Read More…]
March of the Lich King is out and we have our early impressions before the first report! You can subscribe to the podcast on these platforms: Anchor | Breaker | Google Podcasts | Spotify | [Read More…]
After completing both the comprehensive Death Knight Core & Path of Arthas preview and the comprehensive March of the Lich King preview, it’s time for theory-crafting! We encourage you to read the card previews as [Read More…]
In this article, we will review the new cards, evaluate the strength of each class set and rank the sets against each other. We will also be ranking the classes, which is very difficult to [Read More…]
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