Vicious Syndicate started Tuesday Night Hype (TNH) as a way to give the Hearthstone Community more opportunities to play in tournaments that are open to everyone, and give new competitive players an opportunity to get experience and start building their name in the tournament scene.
Today, we would like to share a story with you of an up-and-comer who had recent success. Shock Master managed to climb his way to the Top 4 of TNH #28 in his first ever Hearthstone tournament.
Here is his story:
A couple of months ago my interest in Hearthstone tournaments sparked, but I had no clue how to join one. It was something I was willing to do anything to be able to participate in. On Monday, June 21st I found the StriveWire site and then I found Tuesday Night Hype. It looked interesting so I decided to join. I had no clue what I was getting myself into at first, and I really wasn’t expecting to do well at all in it. I made a bet with a lot of my friends that I would at least make it to the round of 64 people in the tournament.
I feel that my choices of decks I brought to the tournament were interesting. I chose Aggro Paladin because it seemed like a good deck, Patron Warrior because I knew it was a good deck, and I brought my very own Hybrid Warlock. The only time I have ever played the Aggro Paladin before the tournament was when I was preparing. I kind of made the deck on a fly because I have never seen an Aggro Paladin list before. I put two Solemn Vigils instead of two Divine Favor because I thought that there would be a lot of aggro in the tournament. Every round I played with the Aggro Paladin was a win, so I am very glad that I brought it to the tournament. Before the tournament, I had very little experience with Patron Warrior. I made a lot of mistakes during the tournament and I even missed lethal one game which caused me to lose. Overall, I am very glad that I brought it because it played well and I think I played decently with it. Last but not least was my Hybrid Warlock. Lots of people had questions about the deck, why it exists, how you’re supposed to play it, etc. My answer to most of these questions is a mystery. I am still learning how to play my own creation correctly. I feel like the deck could make it to legend with a few changes. A lot of people wonder about the double Mountain Giants. The reason I have double giants is so I can beat almost any deck in the late game because I feel like if it only had one it would lose to Handlock almost every time because it would fizzle out and die. I now realize though that one giant is probably good enough against most decks and if there is a lot of Handlock I should just be playing a different deck to counter that. Overall, during the tournament this deck was definitely the MVP. In a few of my series that I played in, this deck was the one that turned the game around because people didn’t know how to play around it and because of how flexible it is in the Mulligan phase of the game. In the semi-final game I played in, I was very nervous the entire time (which caused me to play terribly). I feel like if I would have played my Hybrid Warlock better at the end I would have won the series and maybe even win the tournament, but I’ll have to wait until next week to do that. 😀
You can find ShockMaster on Twitch or YouTube to find out more about him or see his deck creations in action.
We are thrilled with ShockMaster’s success and hope this is a common story among players in the Hearthstone community. If you have a similar story or want to share your experience with TNH make sure to reach out the vS Team Captain – Beastmode, on Twitter @vS_BeastMode.