Top 8 Recap – World Championship 2016
We have a winner! After 2 weeks of intense competition, Pavel has risen to the top and taken this year’s World Championship. He managed to be just impervious enough to meta reads, had some crazy [Read More…]
We have a winner! After 2 weeks of intense competition, Pavel has risen to the top and taken this year’s World Championship. He managed to be just impervious enough to meta reads, had some crazy [Read More…]
Group Stage Recap The first stage of BlizzCon is over and needless to say, there were more than a few surprises. There were excellent plays, a couple of surprise techs that worked out, and a [Read More…]
Introduction Since its launch, the Data Reaper Project accumulated a large enough sample to assess the common matchups in the current Meta. To expand our reach to the tournament scene, we decided to try and [Read More…]
Welcome! Our Vicious Syndicate Data Analysis team has gathered data from the NA Spring Preliminaries which took place last weekend. What decks were people using? How successful had they been? How did matchups between certain [Read More…]
Article Written by: LBYS Mentality in Hearthstone might arguably be more important than playing at the highest skill level. Hoej, a player from Na’Vi, wrote an article (found here) on his thoughts on “RNG” and [Read More…]
My name is rayc591 and I play for team Vicious Syndicate. I am a former pro Pokémon TCG player turned Hearthstone player. I have been playing Hearthstone since beta and have numerous accolades and top [Read More…]
Comments from a Champion: Inuchris, Winner of TNH #42 Hello all, and welcome to the first “Comments from a Champion”! In this series I will be interviewing the winner of Tuesday Night Hype just to [Read More…]
Winner of TNH #43, Archimedes, shares with us his experiences with TNH and how he prepares his decks for the tournament each week. Approaching An Uncertain Meta The Tuesday Night Hype was looking to be [Read More…]
Heh, greetings! My name is rayc591 and I play for Vicious Syndicate Gaming. I was recently picked up by the team and my experience with them so far has been fantastic. I knew that vS [Read More…]
Tuesday Night Hype started as an opportunity for all kinds of players to showcase their skills and talents and continues to do so. We ask each winner to share their experience with TNH with the [Read More…]
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