The first report of the Darkmoon Races meta had FIFTEEN tier 1 decks! Are they all actually good? Is this a high skill meta? Will Zach lose his damn mind? All the answers are here!
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Thanks for the report, helped me a lot as always!
Thanks for the report, helped me a lot!
Please use a microphone shield to prevent the extreme “P” sounds. Cheers for your good work 🙂
Great podcast as always, keep up the good work fellas
Please could you evaluate Pirate Warrior by next report?
Specifically: is Cutting Class cuttable?
Ike’s list runs 2 Frothing Berserker and 2 Cutting Class.
Replace with 2 Southsea Captain and 2 Bloodsail Raider?
(Pirate Warrior lacks 2-drops as usual).