We now present the updated “vS Power Rankings” table for week # 16. The numbers we report are the expected win rates of each archetype based on their matchups against the field, factoring in the frequency of all potential opponents on ladder at different rank groups over the past week.
There are quite a few developments here, and it can be quite difficult to process but there’s much to say! Let’s mostly take a look at the legend ranks as we feel they present quite a nice picture regarding the status of the current Metagame.
- Aggro Shaman continues to display incredible metrics as its biggest counter class, Warrior, has been subdued. The archetype is feasting upon a Metagame that seems to be unable to stop it.
- Yogg Druid is showing diminishing levels of performance. This could be, in part, due to the archetype entering a phase of experimental turmoil, but we believe it’s also because Yogg Druid lists are becoming less defensive and its performance against some aggressive decks is getting worse as a result (Ancients of War are being phased out, for example). We’ll have to see how the archetype stabilizes or recovers, but at the moment, it’s trending down. Note that this has happened to the archetype before, and it ended up bouncing back even stronger.
- Hybrid Hunter is the only deck in the game that seems to be close in power level to Aggro Shaman, as it has a fighting chance against this highly oppressive archetype and other aggressive decks. This is in contrast to its slow Mid-Range cousin who mostly rolls over and dies, particularly at higher levels of play.
- While Secret Hunter does have some variance in its builds, it has mostly settled towards having a Mid-Range Hunter shell. This package deal is getting better and showing signs of becoming more refined over the last week, so it’s too early to conclude whether or not Cloaked Huntress builds are worth it over the classic minion-centric Hunter builds. For now, it doesn’t seem to be the case, but do not rule it out. We can definitely see potential.
- Dragon Warrior’s power level is diminishing. While it’s still a very strong deck, it’s far from being the best in the game like it used to be.
- Both Tempo Mage and Mid-Range Shaman continue to improve and have firmly established themselves at Tier 2. These are archetypes that have received new tools that seem to have greatly benefitted them.
- Any deck that has a particularly bad matchup against Aggro Shaman is greatly suffering. Miracle Rogue is a perfect example of a deck that seems to have grown stronger in a vacuum to us, but is feeling the bruises from that Doomhammer.
- Control Warrior has elevated in power strictly because it can have fair games against Aggro Shaman. If Hunters are being driven off the high legend ranks because of Aggro Shaman, we can see why this archetype may have success in this very specific pocket situation.
- Let’s talk about the overrated. Beast Druid. Is it getting better as a deck? Yes. Is it becoming top tier? Not even close. The deck appears to have gained a lot of hype, but its performance is still mediocre relatively to the field, and is only slightly becoming better than before. We’ll have to wait and see whether it’s due to lack of refinement, or that there is no gold mine here.
- Let’s talk about the underrated. Despite the lack of enthusiasm to play Zoo by the masses, it’s very well positioned in the current Metagame. With Warrior numbers falling, Zoo has better matchups across the field, even though its matchup with Aggro Shaman is becoming more of a struggle lately.
- Priest. Things are looking grim for Anduin. Whatever Red Bull cocktail he was drinking at the party at Karazhan does not seem to have grown him wings.
Where is secret Paladin? It was 2-3 weeks ago tier1/tier2.