Welcome to the 50th edition of the Data Reaper Report!
Our Data Reaper Project, including the Data Reaper Live (Beta) has 2,600 active contributors. Without them, this project would not be possible, so we’d like to thank all of our contributors for their help.
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Class/Archetype Distribution | Class Frequency | Matchup Winrates | vS Power Rankings | Class Analysis & Decklists | Meta Breaker of the Week | How to Contribute | Credits
Number of Games
Overall | 70,000 |
Legend | 17,000 |
Ranks 1-5 | 28,000 |
Ranks 6-10 | 13,000 |
Ranks 11-15 | 6,000 |
Class/Archetype Distribution
Class Frequency by Day
Class Frequency by Week
There’s a constant pattern in the deck selection choices that Hearthstone players make when the end of the season draws near, and we’ve seen it over and over again during different expansions. The aggressive deck that is perceived to be the strongest all around, especially one that performs well in aggressive mirrors, always spikes in popularity. In the Un’Goro Meta, it’s Token Druid, and just like last month, it has risen in popularity at all levels of play. Its numbers at legend are particularly high. Note that there is a supportive relationship between Token Druid and Jade Druid. When Token Druid rises, the Meta responds by countering it with control decks, and when these decks rise, the field becomes more favorable for Jade Druid. The result is that both of these decks tend to rise and decline in tandem.
Mage has further increased in play overall, but at legend, its numbers have stabilized. It’s interesting to note that within the class, there is a shift away from Secret Mage and towards Burn and Freeze Mage, which is likely a response to the rise of Token Shaman, a deck that effectively counters the Secret Mage’s game plan but struggles against the defensive tools of Mage’s slower archetypes.
Rogue is continuing to exhibit a gradual decline in its numbers, though the class is beginning to stabilize. We can observe a big discrepancy in the popularity of the class, and Crystal Rogue in particular, between different skill levels. Crystal Rogue is very popular at lower levels of play and its numbers significantly decline as you climb the ladder until reaching a low at the bottleneck to legend. At legend, its numbers rise up again. By comparison, Miracle Rogue’s behavior is very different, linearly increasing in popularity the higher you climb.
Paladin’s numbers are dropping and most of its decline is attributed to Murloc Paladin. This isn’t surprising to us, considering the rise of Token Druids. The fear of Hungry Crabs is very off putting for players, perhaps even more than it should. Within the murloc based archetypes, there is a shift in card usage as well, leading to both of them becoming more aggressive: Murloc Paladins are lowering their curve while Midrange Paladins are turning hybrid. This is caused by the importance of having a consistently strong early game in the current Meta.
Shaman’s surge in popularity continues, resulting in Token Shaman becoming one of the most popular decks in the game. It has definitely re-shaped the Meta and we’re witnessing several decks being affected by it. The development within the class’ other archetypes is also very interesting and appears to be far from over. It’s very possible that other Shaman decks break through and establish a stronger hold on the Meta, though that remains to be seen. We will have to see how the card usage clusters (translation: archetypes) within the class stabilize.
One of the classes that’s most affected by Token Shaman’s rise is Priest. Silence Priest has declined in play, while Dragon Priest has become the most popular Priest deck. Devolve is a hell of a card that cripples Silence Priest’s game plan, while Dragon Priest’s access to 4 strong forms of AOE (Primordial Drake and Dragonfire Potion) is very valuable in this matchup. The class remains very diverse, though no Priest archetype is establishing more than a niche ladder presence, which does provide some hint of relative mediocrity in terms of these decks’ performance.
If you love to see discrepancy in a class’ popularity between skill levels, you should check out Hunter. 15% at ranks 11-15. 2.6% at legend. Midrange Hunter is certainly popular with new players or other players with an inexpensive collection of cards, and is definitely strong enough to reach legend. But, competitive ladder players turn away from it as if it’s got a serious case of Halitosis. Midrange Hunter has historically been an archetype that performs worse the higher you climb the ranks and this expansion appears to be no exception.
Out of all the classes, Warrior is the most boring for us to assess, by far. Its two main archetypes have been very stable for a long time, and we don’t really see any movement whatsoever in terms of their card usage compared to other classes. Other than the very small number of Control Warriors, there is not much else to look forward to. Warlock is more entertaining to observe. Even though it’s mostly a dead class, at least it’s full of memes.
Before we get to the specifics, let’s note that Un’Goro is continuing to exhibit diversity that we have not seen from Hearthstone, perhaps ever. There are no decks that perform better than 52% at legend, and there are 18 different archetypes from 7 classes that exhibit win rates ranging from 48% to 52%. Nearly every archetype on this list has displayed the capability of performing well at the very high end of ladder. This is the flattest, most balanced Meta we’ve ever witnessed, and there is simply no deck in the game that cannot be answered with multiple viable strategies. Any deck that rises in play appears to immediately drop in its win rate as the result of the Meta responding to it very quickly. There is no deck that is clearly better than others, and every deck might be better or worse depending on the pocket Meta that you’re experiencing. The Meta is dynamic and changes every day, which is how it should behave, and we very much appreciate this aspect of Un’Goro.
The biggest story this week is Crystal Rogue. The archetype has skyrocketed in its performance against the field at legend ranks by a ludicrous amount, which correlates with multiple players hitting top legend ranks with the archetype over the past week. What happened? If you read last week’s report, you’d remember that the archetype has fallen in its popularity by a third at legend. It was being overplayed for a very long time, and then at some point, it finally crashed under the weight of being focused so heavily. However, once it stopped declining this week, its win rate started to spike upwards. When an archetype that is inherently strong drops in its numbers, its win rate recovers because it is played in favorable situations more often. The opposite can be said for Token Druid, which has spiked in play and saw its win rate significantly drop as a result. The focus this week has been to counter Token Druid (and Token Shaman), which means the Meta at legend, especially top legend, became more favorable for Rogue, one of its biggest preys. Rogue became the underdog, and Rogue is very dangerous when it’s the underdog. Another important thing to note, which we’ve already seen over the past few weeks, is that Crystal Rogue performs significantly better at higher levels of play. As time goes on, its build is being perfected, its play is being refined and some of the rise in its performance can certainly be attributed to a rise in the quality of its players. What will happen next? It’s difficult to say. Should the archetype rise in play due to its recent success, its win rate could drop once again since it’s so easy to focus down. What is certain is that the deck is not going anywhere, and will likely continue to define the Meta in the most polarizing way due to its matchup spread.
Another deck that’s rising in its performance is Burn Mage. From having a superb win rate against the field two weeks ago, it came crashing down last week due to the Meta targeting it relentlessly. Now, it has adjusted, recovered and jumped back over the 50% win rate mark. With so much flexibility and diversity in its builds, it’s a very strong deck if you’re mindful of your tech choices and willing to adjust them depending on the Meta that you’re facing. Secret Mage, meanwhile, has dropped in its win rate as a result of Token Shaman’s rise, which correlates with its drop in popularity at legend. Token Shaman and Token Druid’s rise have had a positive effect on Freeze Mage’s win rate, which has also seen quite a bit of success at legend ranks recently.
All Paladin archetypes have seen a significant drop in their win rates. Murloc and Midrange Paladin are hurting from Token Druid’s rise in popularity, while Control Paladin is relatively difficult to navigate in such a polarizing Meta. However, Paladin remains a very strong class that still sees a lot of success at higher levels of play due to its versatility and diversity. The primary reason why Midrange Paladin appears to be falling behind the other two archetypes is that its matchup spread does not translate well into the current Meta. The presence of Rogue and Mage rewards Paladin decks that are faster and more aggressive, while the presence of aggressive decks rewards Control Paladins that pack more defensive and recovery tools. Midrange Paladin’s strength lies in its matchups against control decks, such as Priest and Taunt Warrior, but these are not particularly prevalent at legend, and so its stock is slightly lower.
As Token Shaman rises in popularity, its win rate continues to drop as the Meta responds to it. It is definitely a very strong deck, but it’s one of many viable options to pilot. It will be interesting to see whether it ever starts shifting away from its standard build and how that could affect its performance, as much of this deck is still an open question. Another Shaman deck we find to be intriguing is Midrange Shaman. Over the past couple of weeks, it has shifted to the defensive Spirit Echo Jade build, and its more advanced state of refinement has resulted in a very favorable change in its performance. Token Shaman might not be the only strong ladder archetype that Shaman carries in its arsenal.
Other noteworthy decks that are rising in their performance: Miracle Rogue is enjoying its status as an under the radar archetype in addition to recent innovations that can improve its performance against aggressive decks. Jade Druid, as we’ve mentioned earlier, beats the decks that look to counter Token Druid. Highlander Priest has also spiked back up to a respectable win rate, and shines against the board centric token decks that have become extremely popular recently. Other Priest decks, such as Dragon and Silence Priest, have taken a hit in their performance as their matchup spread is a bit too narrow to do as well as other decks in such a diverse Meta.
While Pirate Warrior is doing just fine, Taunt Warrior’s struggles at higher levels of ladder play continue. Its linear gameplay might be holding it back in some capacity, and as other decks continue to get better with constant innovation, Taunt Warrior is an archetype that sees very little development in that regard. Hunter is also a class that struggles for similar reasons and its results are even more profound. Midrange Hunter’s performance has collapsed at legend, in correlation to its play rate collapsing as well. With the class being ignored by most players in the competitive scene, things don’t look too great for Hunter at the moment.
However, Hunter is not Warlock. Warlock really sucks. Every week, we keep looking for promising card usage clusters that can provide some hint towards the class possibly being playable. We can’t find them. Warlock really, really sucks.
Class Analysis & Decklists
Druid | Hunter | Mage | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior
As the month draws to a close, the tried and true decks rise to the top again. Token Druid is looking like a strong deck with which to finish up the season, and Jade Druid becomes a strong Meta choice as a secondary deck to counter the decks that are made to beat Token Druid.
JustSaiyan’s Jade Druid is still the benchmark from which all builds are derived. Some players are experimenting with running a Curator package, including crabs as tech choices to counter a few strategies. While running these tech cards can save you in some situations against the right decks, they lower the deck’s draw density and its ability to constantly ramp up its Jade count.
Token Druid returns to its throne this week at the top of legend play rate, with multiple players reaching high legend ranks with the archetype. Most of them have dropped the Finja package for Genzo, Hydras and Tar Creeper. This dodges the Hungry Crab tech in the mirror and improves the deck’s matchups against some of the control decks that look to counter it. Feno hit #1 with a build that runs one of every crab and a Dire Wolf Alpha, which is gaining popularity due to its synergy with the deck’s turn 1 plays and its ability to facilitate strong early game trades.
Mage was present in 44 of the 71 Lineups for the American Spring Playoffs, placing it 4th in class popularity. Ant and Astrogation piloted the now well-established Secret Mage to strong results at the event, with the lists being fairly standard and suited for ladder play. As Token Druid and Token Shaman begin to heavily populate the high end of ladder towards the end of the month, expect to see less players opting for double Mirror Entity which is quite weak in these matchups.
Burn Mage remains very popular at all levels of play, and it is a favorite for many players at the highest levels due to its flexibility. With the Meta being dominated by tech cards, an archetype that is capable of containing a few of them without hurting its overall game plan becomes very valuable, and we’ve seen multiple players reach top legend ranks with it. It is very important to note that every reactive/tech card hurts percentages in other matchups, so these cards cannot be blindly copied and pasted regardless of the Meta you’re facing. Consider the lists we feature as examples.
Reckful hit #1 legend with a build utilizing a single Doomsayer and a Frost Nova to try and strengthen the deck’s early game against aggressive decks. This idea has been further supported by WhoBlie19 and Blitzchung who reached top 10 with double Doomsayer, with Blitzchung running Eater of Secrets instead of Kabal Courier. Portia also reached top 10 with a different package of tech cards, running a Harrison Jones and Eater of Secrets in his list. Harrison Jones can be better than Gluttonous Ooze in slower matchups, such as the mirror, due to its ability to gain card advantage. Two Volcanic Potions is a response to the large presence of Token Druids and Token Shamans, while Pyros is beginning to find its way to Burn Mage due to its consistent value. In a deck that runs many inconsistent cards, adding a stable proactive card can help offset some of the weaknesses in these highly reactive builds.
Meanwhile, Freeze Mage remains relevant on ladder, especially at legend ranks, thanks to its favorable matchups with board flooding Druid and Shaman decks. MageHS lived up to his name by hitting #1 legend with a standard list that swaps Loot Hoarder for Novice Engineer, while Laughing has also hit the #1 spot with his favorite archetype.
Meanwhile, Exodia Mage has gained little traction. With the Meta being so aggressive and punishing to such a slow deck, its individual success early in the month may have been an exception rather than the rule. The archetype’s two different approaches do remain quite a lot of fun.
- Mage Class Radar
- Ant’s Secret Mage
- WhoBlie19’s Burn Mage
- Portia’s Burn Mage
- Reckful’s Burn Mage
- Standard Tony Freeze Mage
- Rage’s Exodia Mage
- Windello’s Exodia Giants Mage
The Americas Playoffs reflected a significant lack of faith in Rogue. With most of the field looking to counter aggressive decks, Rogue did not really fit with the popular strategy as it is the one class which is most vulnerable to aggression. Ironically, since the Meta was so heavy with control decks, bringing either Miracle or Crystal Rogue ended up paying off.
Crystal Rogue has seen a spike in its performance at legend which correlates with several players hitting top legend with the archetype. Most of the recent, successful ladder builds either run Swashburglar or Tar Creeper, with the other 28 cards being mostly the same. Swashburglar offers a strong bounce target that also generates value, while Tar Creeper is a defensive card that helps the Rogue stabilize before quest completion. The argument against Swashburglar is that you prefer getting Patches out of your deck with Southsea Deckhand after you completed the quest for maximum charge damage. The Tar Creeper lists often cut Bilefin Tidehunters for Tol’vir Stoneshaper and a Backstab (Bilefin is a post-quest stabilizer, while Tol’vir/Backstab are pre-quest stabilizers), much like Neirea’s list, which recently helped DiegoDias book his flight to China.
Miracle Rogue retains its two main approaches. The first is the Giants version, which is very strong against slower decks due to its density of threats. The America’s champion, Muzzy, brought such a build to the tournament, and it is three cards off the list with which Asmodai had ladder success recently (Mimic Pod, Sherazin and SI Agent for Sap, Shiv and Questing).
The second approach is the anti-aggro one, and Monsanto took it one step further on his way to hit rank #5 legend by cutting Cold Bloods and Leeroy, and running Earthen Ring Farseer. This build is much weaker against control decks, but takes advantage of the strong tempo cards available to the class in order to beat aggressive decks off the board. The minimal amount of situational cards makes the deck more consistent in achieving this goal, and running seemingly no win condition other than card advantage is an interesting development in the archetype.
- Rogue Class Radar
- Swash Crystal Rogue
- Tar Crystal Rogue
- Neirea’s Crystal Rogue
- Muzzy’s Giants Miracle Rogue
- Monsanto’s Anti-Aggro Miracle Rogue
It’s been another week of little change for Warrior, which remains one of the more popular classes across the board. Levels of each of the popular decks have remained almost identical to the previous week, with a few small deck innovations being the only noteworthy shifts.
Taunt Warrior continues to put up quite an underwhelming win rate due to its matchup spread remaining fairly weak even with the rise of Token Shaman and its acceptance into the Meta. It’s still an acceptable pick, however, although it can also feel very unfulfilling to play as a result of the many coin flips in the late game. The deck received some bad publicity at the Americas Playoffs, since its high popularity at that event due to the prevalence of control line ups led to a lot of mirror matches being played on stream, a matchup many consider to be one of the least skillful and most stressful in the game. It is possible that this could lead to a slight decline in numbers as more people have become aware of the deck’s weaknesses.
Pirate Warrior, meanwhile, is doing just fine, and is enjoying the fact that many archetypes are running tech cards that do not target it. Tholwmenos hit #1 legend with a build that packs a few noteworthy changes: it cuts Mortal Strikes in favor of a Spellbreaker and, more interestingly, a single copy of Fire Fly. This is a big nod to matchups against other aggressive decks, where Mortal Strike is generally terrible. Fire Fly improves the deck’s consistency in finding a 1 drop, while Spellbreaker fulfills a similar role to Mortal Strike by providing an answer to taunts while also producing a body that fights for the board. The deck also plays the increasingly popular Captain Greenskin over one Naga Corsair, to add a bit more sustained damage to the deck in the later stages of the game.
- Warrior Class Radar
- Standard Taunt Warrior
- Tholwmenos’ Pirate Warrior
- Standard Pirate Warrior
- NaviOOT’s Control Warrior
- Fibonacci’s Control Warrior
- Titan’s Control Warrior
Paladin remains a strong class in the Meta with all 3 of its archetypes still humming. Interestingly, the American Spring Playoffs saw a big shift towards Control Paladin as a result of players looking to counter aggressive strategies as well as dodge Hungry Crab techs. All 4 qualifiers to China ended up bringing the class, with two Control Paladins and two Murloc Paladins.
Murloc Paladins on ladder are going through an interesting shift towards being faster and more aggressive. With the high number of Mages on ladder, the still large population of Rogues and the decline in Taunt Warrior, there is a focus on generating faster starts that can blow decks out of the game before they are able to stabilize. Ender has hit top 10 legend on two servers with a build that runs a much larger Murloc package, even including Grimscale Oracles. It runs Rallying Blades instead of Truesilvers and excludes Spikeridged Steeds for two Divine Favors. Everything about this deck screams hyper-aggression.
Midrange Paladin is relatively more stable, but much like Murloc Paladin, its builds on ladder are leaning towards a hybrid approach that enables them to be slightly faster and more aggressive in the early game. Xzirez’ list is gaining traction over builds that run Equality and Primordial Drakes.
Control Paladin is the only Paladin list that does not bank on Murloc synergy, and its strong matchups against aggressive decks makes it attractive for both ladder play as well as being highly valued in the tournament scene. This archetype goes for late-game value and can pack a fair bit of tech choices if necessary. There is also an option to add the N’Zoth package to the deck to improve the deck’s matchups against control. Underscore’s tech-light Control Paladin is a good example of a standard build that doesn’t run N’Zoth and specializes in beating aggressive decks, while Ostkaka’s N’Zoth build is a strong alternative, with which he has hit #1 legend on two servers. It’s important to note some of the tech choices and why they are there, because their strengths are Meta dependent: Harrison Jones is stronger than Gluttonous Ooze in matchups against slower weapon decks, or decks that run Medivh. Rallying Blade can be dropped a turn earlier than Truesilver, which could be important in some situations (a good example is answering Vicious Fledgling or Mana Wyrm). Dirty Rat is a versatile card that might be stronger as a one-off due to its situational strength later in the game against both aggro and control. The deck runs Infested Tauren, but no Cairne Bloodhoof, due to the deck’s crowded 6 mana spot and the focus on having N’Zoth generate taunts rather than strictly value cards.
- Paladin Class Radar
- Ender’s Murloc Paladin
- Standard Murloc Paladin
- Zanananan’s Midrange Paladin
- Xzirez’ Hybrid Midrange Paladin
- Underscore’s Control Paladin
- Ostkaka’s N’Zoth Control Paladin
Shaman can no longer be considered a mediocre class, as Token Shaman has proven to be one of the strongest archetypes in the game. The deck was also prevalent at the America’s Playoffs, with Kuonet qualifying to China with it. The archetype is one of the least diverse in the game, with the same 30 card list being run by seemingly everybody at the moment and there is very little branching out in that regard. Some players are experimenting with cutting the Doppelgangster/Evolve package for more stable value cards. One example is expanding the Jade package by running Jade Spirits and Jade Chieftains, which provides the deck with less situational late game value and longevity. Another approach is to run a late game Elemental package that consists of Fire Elementals and Kalimos. Neither of these approaches has gained much traction on ladder just yet, but they could be very strong.
Midrange Shaman is much more diverse at the moment, with the latest builds being very defensive in nature, similar to StanCifka’s list. Several players, most notably Muzzy, brought this variant to the Americas Playoffs as it fits quite well in a slow, control line up. The archetype has also had success on ladder, with TheViper94 recently piloting it to top 5 legend. His list cuts Lightning Bolts, which is an anti-aggro tech, for White Eyes and Jade Chieftain, making the deck slightly stronger against control.
- Shaman Class Radar
- Standard Token Evolve Shaman
- StanCifka’s Midrange Jade Shaman
- TheViper94’s Midrange Jade Shaman
- Dwayna’s Elemental Shaman
- wiRer’s Control Shaman
With the continued rise of Token Shaman, Dragon Priest is starting to rise in play a bit, as there is a slight shift towards at the expense of Silence Priest. This Meta has been a real testament to Priest’s ability to focus on whatever target may be reigning supreme at the moment. We saw it very recently with Token Druid, and we are now seeing it with the Shamans. While this does sort of push the rock/paper/scissors narrative a bit as Priest remains a poor matchup against the other side of the Meta spectrum (Paladins/Warriors/Rogue), it isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as Priest has a place in the Meta. It’s no Warlock.
Silence Priest remains a solid deck though, and it might be one of the more difficult decks in the game to navigate. Titan hit top 50 legend by teching Holy Nova into the build, which is a direct response to Living Mana as well as a card generator in combination with Cleric. The Highlander/Kazakus Priest has also seen some success this week with Kibler breaking into the top 200 at legend with a build that runs a Dragon package.
- Priest Class Radar
- Ostkaka’s Silence Priest
- Titan’s Silence Priest
- Meati’s Dragon Priest
- Kaiser’s Dragon Priest
- Sjoesie’s Miracle Priest
- Kibler’s Highlander Priest
As the season draws to a close, top players are abandoning Hunter in even greater numbers, with Hunter usage at legend dropping nearly in half. Hunter lists aren’t able to specialize in enough matchups, being consistently mediocre against most decks. The decks’ lower skill cap also hurts Hunter’s viability past rank 5, since other decks can exploit a Hunter’s predictable linearity of plays. As such, although Hunter is still certainly strong enough to be successful, don’t expect too many single digit legend finishes unless major innovations are made.
Due to Hunter’s abandonment on the high end ladder, most Hunter innovation this week stems from the tournament scene. Kranich further refined his Aggressive Secret Hunter this week, by adding in several tech cards to beat token decks. Such changes include the replacement of Fiery Bats with Alleycats, the removal of one Explosive Trap and one Flare for the package of one Knife Juggler and one Snake Trap, and the removal of Wolfrider for Golakka Crawler. If you are seeing lots of Token Druids and Token Shamans on ladder, this might be the best Hunter list to play.
Meanwhile, Midrange Hunter lists have become mostly stagnant, only making small tweaks to the lists, like the number of crabs, which five drops to include, and whether the decks want to try and ensure an early snowball with a Dire Wolf Alpha. One trend throughout Hunter lists, however, is that including the small draw spells, Tracking and Flare, is becoming more common. Midrange Hunter can usually find a turn to fit the draw into the curve, and the cards can occasionally be game winning in certain matchups, like fishing for Unleash the Hounds against Token Druid or Flare destroying a Mage’s Ice Block. Grish’s list, which he is bringing to the APAC Playoffs, is an example of a build incorporating the draw cards in order to better target Mages and Token Decks. If you are seeing more Warriors and Paladins, however, it would be better to switch to a more traditional build like Freakeh’s list.
It appears Gul’dan is paying the price of the dark bargain he made to be such an unstoppable force in Hearthstone since its inception. Warlock’s play rates continue to plummet across the board, except for a small rise in play between ranks 5 through 1. One would have to assume this is due to players attempting to find a Warlock deck that can compete with the army of Meta decks at ranks 5 to 1, playing many games to try to find a viable list, and then outright switching classes entirely to finish the legend grind when they come to the realization that it’s not worth the headache.
The two notable decks that have recently been experimented with are Vandoom’s Zoo Warlock, with which he has maintained a positive win rate at legend, and Xixo’s Murloc Warlock, which is simply a work of art that might be talked about in future Hearthstone folklore.
The small glimmer of hope for Warlock is that among these seldom games at upper ranks someone will somehow stumble upon a whacky “Unicorn Warlock” list that defies all odds and trends that we have seen thus far. Until then, it’s likely that Gul’dan will retreat into the shadows and concoct some sort of unworldly summoning ritual in an attempt to bring Reno Jackson, and Warlock’s relevance, back into the standard format.
Crystal Rogue has been punched in the mouth, over and over again, for the past few weeks, and just when it fell on the floor and started being ignored, it elevated in its performance and came back with a vengeance. This deck’s recipe for success appears to be lower play rates, which causes the Meta to not ruthlessly target it. Our metrics consistently show that the deck performs better at higher levels of play, so learning to master the deck could be very rewarding. Even so, mastering the deck will not make you turn bad matchups into good ones, so the choice of when to play it is just as important as knowing how to play it.
The bouncing menace defines the Meta like no other deck in the game, and after weeks of poor performances, it has finally overcome the hatred, at least for now. The cycle of Aggro/Anti-Aggro/Rogue, moves to its next phase.
Our Data Reaper Project, including the Data Reaper Live (Beta) has 2,600 active contributors. Without them, this project would not be possible, so we’d like to thank all of our contributors for their help.
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Why do not you show statistics of top card decks in their respective shifts? Frequency of cards like N’Zoth’s First Mate, Swashburglar, Pavel’s Book, firy fly on turn 1?
BIG fan here of the Data Reaper Report and Data Reaper LIVE. I noticed that Crystal Rogue is listed as having the third-highest winrate at Legend rank over the past week, yet in all my time looking at Data Reaper LIVE over the past week I cannot recall Crystal Rogue ever being listed in the top 5. Did I just miss certain periods of time where Crystal Rogue was dominating at Legend rank, or is there something else going on that I don’t understand?
The live data is all ranks. So poor performance at low ranks is probably bringing the numbers down
No, I’m talking about top 5 in the Legend rank specifically. I don’t recall ever seeing Crystal Rogue in the top 5 in the Legend rank in the “Classes/Rank Overview” tab on Live during the past week. I freely admit it’s possible that Crystal Rogue’s performance at Legend rank spiked during periods where I wasn’t looking at the Live data.
Again I would imagine the ‘best 5 at rank x’ calculation uses match up percentages based on results at all ranks. Otherwise the results would be unstable due to small sample size.
By this I mean general matchup ratings applied to a population based on the games played at that rank.
That’s my guess anyway.
You are correct