vS Data Reaper Report #51

A weekly Hearthstone Meta Report based on data from over 75,000 games.

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Welcome to the 51st edition of the Data Reaper Report!

We are aware that one of the most popular requests from the community is doing a Wild Report. Well, we’re happy to announce that our first Wild Report will be coming THIS Sunday, June 11th. The report is being done in collaboration with the team at R/WildHearthstone, who will be writing the report with support of our statistics. Expect to see quite a few surprises and perceptions being broken, as the Metagame in this format is unexplored, and quite wild!

We aim to publish a Wild report every 4 weeks on Sundays at 9am Pacific Time. As always, we thank you for the support and hope to produce more quality content that will satisfy your Hearthstone related needs.

Our Data Reaper Project, including the Data Reaper Live (Beta) has 2,600 active contributors. Without them, this project would not be possible, so we’d like to thank all of our contributors for their help.

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Class/Archetype Distribution | Class Frequency | Matchup Winrates | vS Power Rankings | Class Analysis & Decklists | Meta Breaker of the Week | How to Contribute | Credits

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 Number of Games

Overall 75,000
Ranks 1-5 9,000
Ranks 6-10 11,000
Ranks 11-15 26,000

Class/Archetype Distribution

Class Frequency by Day

Class Frequency by Week

Note: The frequency charts display the Meta since the beginning of the month and don’t include games from the very last day of May, in order to accurately represent the new Meta for June. These games, of course, are still taken into account when calculating win-rates of matchups.

The Meta is showing the first signs of stabilization since Journey to Un’Goro launched, at least when it comes to the play rates of classes (we’ll have to see if there are any changes in the archetypes’ performances later), but the encouraging sign is that the Meta is very diverse and most classes are very close to one another in terms of their popularity. Mage is the most popular class overall, boasting quite a bit of diversity with three different viable archetypes. Burn Mage is the most popular, and there is a preference to playing it over Secret Mage at higher levels of play, likely due to its flexibility and ability to adapt to a changing Meta. Interestingly, we can observe Freeze Mage establishing quite a bit of a presence at the bottleneck to legend, eclipsing the 3% mark. This is a response to the two board flooding decks of Druid and Shaman, which are very popular at these ranks.

Druid is the most popular class at higher levels of play, and Token Druid remains the most popular archetype in the game. Its numbers at the bottleneck to legend are very high, sitting at over 15%. Jade Druid is also quite popular, and its relationship with Token Druid is of co-dependence. Token Druid’s large presence brings out its counters, which then stumble upon the preying Jade Druid looking to capitalize on an unsuspecting Meta.

Rogue is seeing a slight uptick in its play, and it seems that its decline from the early days of Un’Goro has been brought to a halt. This correlates with what we’ve seen last week: Crystal Rogue’s power level has surged to a very strong score as the Meta seems to have been caught off guard after beginning to ignore it towards the end of the month. While it’s unlikely that the archetype will ever become the most dominant deck in the Meta it helps shape, its numbers are no longer inflated and are unlikely to drastically decline any further.

While Taunt Warrior continues to stagnate and decline, Pirate Warrior is trending up at higher levels of play. Over the last few weeks, the Meta has been extremely focused on beating other decks, while Pirate Warrior has been relatively ignored. It is a very strong deck if not accounted for, so we’re not surprised it’s seeing more play when it doesn’t gather much attention, unlike the early days of the expansion when it was pretty much a focal point of the Meta. The beginning of the month also has to be a big factor, as Pirate Warrior is the fastest deck in the game and as a result, a choice for many to make their grind as efficient as possible.

The rise of Token Shaman is showing no signs of stopping, and its play rates increase further at higher levels of play. Its behavioral pattern is that of a deck with which the Meta is struggling to deal, relative to other decks. We can’t say much about other Shaman decks. The erratic Midrange/Jade cluster appears to change every week, so even though it has decent ladder representation, its data is relatively unstable, so it will be missing from our matchup/ranking tables this week as we’ve pressed the reset button on it. It seems like the archetype is struggling to find its identity, whether it is a pure Midrange deck with a proactive early game, or a slow, value-centric deck that plays more like Control Shamans of the past. This instability is a hint, however, that it’s failing to replicate its tournament success on ladder.

One of the most diverse classes is Paladin. It has three archetypes with nearly equal representation, especially at higher levels of play, so it’s not easy to guess what you’re facing. Within the class, there is an internal shift. Players are moving away from Midrange Paladin, while Murloc Paladin is becoming more common. The class’ overall decline this week stems from Midrange Paladin’s decline, while the other two decks seem to be unaffected. Murloc Paladin’s popularity has even increased, especially at higher levels of play where it is now the most popular Paladin deck. With Rogue and Mage being so popular, there is an incentive for board-focused Paladins to become faster, so for us, this shift is well overdue.

Dragon Priest is becoming a significantly more popular deck than the other Priest archetypes while Silence Priest has taken a significant hit in its population. This is likely a response to the continued rise of Token Shaman, a deck that punishes strategies that rely on buffing due to Devolve, but is vulnerable to strong AOE spells. Dragon Priest’s proactive game plan and access to multiple forms of AOE put it in a more favorable spot in the Meta compared to other Priest decks that can suffer from inconsistency in that regard.

Hunter’s numbers have risen at all levels of play, which is probably a result of the monthly ladder reset. It still displays a frequency pattern that declines the higher you climb, which is an indication of the class’ struggles with an apparent low skill ceiling. Still, Hunter is definitely playable, and is not in nearly of a bad spot as Warlock is. This class’ numbers have also risen (slightly). After all, the beginning of the month is the best time to meme.

Matchup Win Rates Header

Power Rankings Header

Note: Since this the first week of the month, we’ve applied legend win rates on the rank 5-1 table in order to best capture the power level of decks at higher levels of play.

Another Un’Goro week of incredible diversity has come and gone. We’ve already seen that the frequency chart exhibits a very balanced Metagame, and this is further confirmed by the power ranking tables. When looking at the 5-1 table, you can conclude that eight classes are perfectly viable and competitive; most of them carry multiple archetypes that are strong enough to be successful in a ladder environment. We’re two months into Un’Goro and there is no sign of a Meta tyrant, no sign of a deck that can’t be stopped and is in danger of going out of control. In terms of balance and strategic diversity, this might be the best expansion in the history of Heathstone.

It can’t be an Un’Goro Data Reaper report if there isn’t a weekly Meta breaking deck that suddenly skyrockets in its performance. Freeze Mage is back with a vengeance and has launched itself to the top of the Meta. What happened? Board flooding token decks happened. Some players would tell you that Taunt Warrior is a strong counter to Token Druid and Token Shaman. We’ll say that Freeze Mage is a stronger counter. This archetype utterly demolishes these decks without mercy. Token Shaman, in particular, appears to be difficult to effectively counter, as it is very capable of reloading the board after AOE while continuing to threaten a Bloodlust lethal. Well, if you can’t clear it, freeze it! While Burn Mage is the most popular Mage deck, there is certainly a strong case to play Freeze over it in the current Meta. It is significantly stronger in aggressive matchups, and it also performs better against Rogues. It is an inferior choice against Priest and other decks with healing, which aren’t very popular, and it struggles in the mirror against Burn Mage. However, some Freeze Mage players started including Burn mage’s worst enemy, Eater of Secrets, in their lists in order to circumvent the Burn Mage’s Ice Blocks, which pose the biggest problem for the Freeze Mage in this matchup.

We have noticed that Eater of Secrets has generally become a much more popular tech card in many decks since the Mage class rose to prominence. This doesn’t seem to negatively affect Secret Mage as much as it does Burn Mage, which is being suppressed by a Meta that is preventing it from displaying a higher win rate. Removing an Ice Block is debilitating, removing a Mirror Entity or Counterspell hurts, but can be overcome. Even though Burn Mage is a more flexible deck, Secret Mage, at its baseline power level, is more consistent against a diverse field of opponents where teching against a narrow spectrum of decks isn’t as effective.

The other big story of the week involves a fall, that of Midrange Paladin. Paladin’s current issue is that in order to succeed in the current Meta, it needs to specialize in doing something really well. Against Rogues and Mages, you want to be as aggressive as possible, so Murloc Paladin is a strong option in order to pressure these classes and prevent them from executing their game plan. Against aggressive decks like Token Druid or Pirate Warrior, you want strong defensive tools, access to early board clears and healing, so Control Paladin is the way to go. Midrange Paladin doesn’t do either of these things very well. It doesn’t attack well consistently, and it doesn’t defend well consistently. Its biggest advantage is its matchup against control decks, as it can slowly pressure decks out of the game without losing steam, but this advantage is losing value in the current Meta. This isn’t the first week or two of Un’Goro, when Taunt Warriors were everywhere. That matchup was Midrange Paladin’s claim to fame.

Speaking of Taunt Warrior, this deck continues to look very underwhelming. It carries more value in tournaments due to its specialty at beating aggressive decks but in a diverse environment, it performs relatively poorly. Paladins and Rogue steal its lunch money, while Burn Mage is also a difficult matchup unless specifically teched for. Pirate Warrior, however, continues to do well. It is never in danger of taking over the game since it has multiple strong counters, but it’s definitely in a strong spot in the Meta.

The rise of Token Shaman is the biggest contributor to the change in power levels of many decks. It keeps Dragon Priest near the 50% win rate mark despite a few other powers working against it, and it hurts Silence Priest in the worst way. Out of all the decks in the game, the scariest one in terms of balance is definitely Token Shaman. Its biggest counters are currently very niche Meta decks that for various reasons, haven’t established a larger presence. Freeze Mage might be the deck that puts a stop to Shamans and act as the balancing power that will keep them in check, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens if Freeze Mage numbers start spiking. Much like other decks in the current Meta, Freeze Mage is not a difficult deck to focus down.

While we’re talking about decks that are easy to focus down, Crystal Rogue’s name comes up. Just as it raised its head last week, its performance came back down to earth this week. We pretty much expected this, as the class is likely to continue to ebb and flow as the Meta responds to it, and then forgets about it. Miracle Rogue has also taken a hit in its performance, though a smaller one as it’s less vulnerable to aggression than its bouncing cousin.

Midrange Hunter’s score has slightly improved. While it’s not an indication that it will become more prevalent than it is at the moment, it does suggest that the archetype is certainly competitive enough to find success. Secret Hunter might also be a viable option, but its numbers are too low at the moment to assess with confidence.

Warlock, on the other hand, continues to suck, but we’ve finally witnessed a sign of hope for the class. Murloc Warlock might be playable, as we’ve seen this archetype exhibit significant improvement in its score over the last week, albeit on a low sample size. What kind of improvement? It went from “utterly horrible” to “pretty bad” and is sitting at 45%. 45% is sky high for Warlock these days, so maybe there is something there. Maybe the unicorn is being ridden by a murloc? Or maybe we’re just clutching at straws? The latter is more likely.

Class Analysis & Decklists

Druid | Hunter | Mage | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

Data Reaper Report - Mage

Burn Mage continues to flourish in both ladder and tournament play. It was very prevalent at the top legend ranks during the last couple of days of the May season, with Muzzy hitting #3 on the AM server. GeorgeC has finished the climb to legend for June with the archetype as well, hitting top 10 and continuing the trend of tech cards in the deck. He used a list similar to Portia’s which includes Eater of Secrets, Polymorph, and Harrison Jones, but added a second Ice Barrier for Pyros. There seems to be two different approaches for the archetype: One approach includes more randomly generated cards from Babbling Book and Kabal Courier, while the second approach sheds them for guaranteed answers to specific things, with GeorgeC’s list built to beat aggressive decks.

Secret Mage is the second most popular archetype. Even though it’s a very powerful deck, there is a preference to playing Burn Mage instead due to the flexibility the deck offers in comparison. Secret Mage runs a very stable list that often differs by one or two cards, so its matchup spread is fairly stable. Burn Mage can be heavily teched, which makes it a favorite for many players who want to adjust their deck according to the Meta that they are facing. Even so, Secret Mage is a strong choice for ladder climbing, as it is capable of beating any deck in the game. Its worst matchups are 45-55 or 40-60 affairs.

While most of the attention is on the two archetypes we’ve mentioned, Freeze Mage can also be very successful in the current Meta. MageHS won the APAC Playoffs with Freeze Mage in his line up, while the OG Freeze Mage player, Laughing, finished #1 legend with the deck last month. He included an Eater of Secrets in his build, which significantly improves the otherwise poor matchup against Burn Mage.

Data Reaper Report - Druid

The Meta continues to be very diverse, which means that if you’re a Druid player, it might be a strong strategy to juggle between Token and Jade Druid to succeed on the ladder climb, as the aggro, anti-aggro control, and midrange decks cycled unpredictably throughout the week.

Token Druid continues to be played at a high volume, but is presented with a few new challenges. Token Shaman creeped up in popularity, and has a close matchup against Token Druid due to its ability to match the Druid in the early game board flood, and the feared Devolve/Malestrom combo on a board of Living Mana, or even simply Devolve on a board of buffed minions. Burn Mage builds often include two Volcanic Potions in order to counter Token Druids, while Freeze Mage, which is one of deck’s worst matchups due to the never ending freezes and board wipes, also saw quite a bit of play last week. Control Paladin is another deck that’s fairly difficult to overcome due to its access to early stalling tools, healing and Pyro/Equality. It’s likely that Token Druid will continue to be a very powerful deck, but one that can be checked with certain strategies.

Playing Jade Druid is a bit like a game of cat and mouse. The player will have a great time queuing against slower Mage decks, Taunt Warrior, and all of the anti-aggro decks, but be more than a little upset queueing into Rogue, and Murloc-centric Paladins. Be Mindful of the Meta before opting to run this deck on ladder.

Data Reaper Report - Rogue

As the Journey to Un’Goro Meta settles, the Rogue class has also settled into two camps: The notorious Crystal Rogue and the resilient Miracle Rogue.

Crystal Rogue received much of the early focus of the new Meta and lists were quickly refined. Tar Creeper has been a popular choice to help against Rogue’s traditional weakness – the aggressive decks. We have also seen the slightly greedier, value oriented builds running Swashburglar perform well. The deck’s polarizing matchups mean that it performs best when least expected and as such, will continue to be a Meta-dependent option in the right ladder and tournament environments.

Miracle Rogue has raised its head recently, and has been performing particular well in tournaments, with Muzzy and MageHS winning their respective regional playoffs with it; their builds being one card different (two Mimic Pods vs. two SI:7 Agents). Arcane Giants are the primary win condition of this build, being able to turn the tempo gained from cheap spells into a game winning board that is very difficult to deal with for control decks.

Miracle Rogue is a flexible deck though and is open to different variations, or tech cards, in order to capitalize on a specific Meta. Monsanto piloted a more defensive version to top legend ranks last month and we have seen similar decklists emerge that drop the Arcane Giants in favor of Leeroy/Cold Blood. Miracle Rogue decks can also benefit from the use of specific tech cards like Eater of Secrets in a heavily Mage infested Meta, which is an otherwise challenging class to play against for the Rogue.

Data Reaper Report - Shaman

Shaman continues to be in a strong spot in the Meta. In the recently concluded HCT Asia-Pacific Spring Playoffs, 3 of the top 4 players in this carried Shaman in their lineups.

The archetype that is chiefly responsible for Shaman’s ascension is Token Shaman, as the usage rate of this archetype continues to rise every week. Most builds of this archetype are quite identical, which hints that the deck has been or is close to being optimized. The deck is primarily an aggro deck that aims to go wide and finish games through Bloodlust, but is more than capable of shifting gears and fighting well into the late game with its Doppelgangster/Evolve combo, Thing from Below, Stonehill Defenders, Mana Tide Totems, and a decent Jade package. One of its biggest strength is its matchups against other aggressive decks, with Jade Claws, Jade Lightning, Devolve and Maelstrom Portal being extremely effective anti-aggro tools.

The second most popular Shaman archetype on ladder is Jade Shaman, which is seeing play on the back of its success in the tournament scene. Recent builds are far more passive, and shed the early game of Fire Fly and Flametongue Totem to play a slower, more controlling game. While this deck can be quite powerful in the tournament scene due to the prevalence of Token Druid and Paladins of all types, its performance on ladder isn’t quite convincing due to its bad matchups against decks that are inherently powerful against control, such as Crystal Rogue, Jade Druid and Secret Mage. It can also struggle in the mirror against Token Shaman due to the deck’s ability to reload the board after board clears and threaten inevitability through Bloodlust.

Data Reaper Report - Warrior

Warrior continues to be a steady class, albeit a slightly polarizing one. Its two archetypes are almost exact opposite of each other in terms of matchup favorability. Queuing either one on ladder is basically just a Meta call at this point. If you want to counter Token Druid and Token Shaman, queue Taunt Warrior. If you run into Crystal Rogue and Midrange/Murloc Paladin a lot, then play Pirate Warrior.

The most accepted standard Pirate Warrior list at this point has slightly evolved. One Naga Corsair has become Captain Greenskin, because the extra weapon durability is easily worth the one extra mana in many situations. One Mortal Strike has been cut in favor of a Spellbreaker, since you often get stuck in front of a big taunt which results in floating much more damage than the four points that Mortal Strike usually does. Spellbreaker also has some extra utility in silencing a big threat from your opponent, like an Edwin VanCleef, a Spikeridged Steed or a Faceless Shambler from a Silence Priest. Genzo the Shark might be worth experimenting with, as it can be useful in the same way it is in Token Druid, since you run out of cards so often, and its statline is comparable to Naga Corsair.

Taunt Warrior has been almost as static as Pirate Warrior. Two Armorsmiths and two Tar Creepers are important on ladder against the parade of aggro decks, though some are teching their decks for specific matchups, with Burn Mage being at the forefront of their minds. In this case, Tar Creepers are dropped for Shield Blocks, which can help in getting out of range of the Mage’s direct damage after Alexstrasza. Harrison Jones can be added, sometimes replacing an Acolyte of Pain, targeting weapon classes as well as Medivh. It is also a very popular tech in tournaments due to the high representation of Paladins. Another card that’s often seen is Battle Rage, which is a very rewarding, yet situational form of card draw that can help you complete the quest quicker against control decks.

Data Reaper Report - Paladin

Paladin continues to be probably the most well-rounded class in Hearthstone. That being said, it does seem to be losing some momentum as there really isn’t much experimentation left to be done with the class and each archetype has a glaring weakness that prevents it from becoming more prevalent than it is.

Murloc Paladin is all-in on murloc synergy and is extremely powerful and resilient in that regard. Its kryptonite is some of the other aggressive decks: Pirate Warrior, Token Shaman and Token Druid. Its vulnerability to the devastating tech of Hungry Crab makes players shy away from the deck, and a Meta that is infested with Token Druids is a scary territory for the archetype. Nevertheless, even with Hungry Crabs running around, the deck is still very powerful against the field with many other good matchups. Its strength against the Mage class cannot be underestimated.

Control Paladin is the opposite of Murloc Paladin in almost every way other than its strong win rate against the field. This archetype is all about gaining value throughout the game and outlasting your opponent. Control Paladin sees more play at higher levels due to its fantastic matchup against Token Druid as well as its flexibility. It can carry various Meta dependent tech cards, and if it’s running into slower decks, can easily tack in N’Zoth as a late game value bomb.

Midrange Paladin was the first Paladin deck to break out in Un’Goro, and it also seems to be the one least suited for the current ladder Meta. It always seemed like a weird outlier between Murloc and Control, not really deciding which way it wanted to go. Its biggest strength over the other Paladin archetypes is its consistency in beating control decks, namely Taunt Warrior, which has fallen in popularity since the early days of the expansion. Even so, it’s still a good deck that can find success.

Data Reaper Report - Priest

This is another week of apparent mediocrity for the Priest class. As the Meta is finally showing signs of being settled, after two months no less, we are starting to see the actualities of what the Priest class is. At its very best, it’ll never be one of the best classes, and all of its archetypes struggle to maintain a winning record against the field. It appears to be best suited to act as a counter class in this Meta, set up to beat whichever deck might be running on top on a particular day. Recently, Token Shaman has been a go to choice for many ladder climbers, so we see Dragon Priest become more popular as it is well suited to beat it.

This isn’t necessarily the worst outcome for a class that still lacks a concrete win condition outside of Inner Fire combos and Lyra shenanigans. Board control can only go so far in a world where most of the decks are aggressors that set the tone faster than Priest can answer it. Even so, you can still find success with the class; it is just harder to come by relatively to other options. Each Priest archetype has a few matchups that are absolutely miserable affairs, so be wary of your opponents when you choose a particular Priest deck to climb with.

Dragon Priest remains the most consistent deck in terms of overall power level. Silence Priest is still very much capable of success provided you understand its ins and outs. Its blowout potential can keep it in just about any game, but it certainly doesn’t enjoy facing Paladins and Shamans. These two archetype’s main advantage over other Priest decks is that they are more proactive, and Priest’s biggest problem since the early days of Hearthstone is its passivity.

Data Reaper Report - Hunter

Although Hunter has quickly become the second least popular class at high ranks and stagnated in the past few weeks, with the new season starting, there was a little more room for some janky iterations.

NickChipper came up with a new version of his Hybrid Hunter. The standout inclusion is Frostwolf Warlord, replacing the Bittertide Hydras. The Warlords work well as an anti-control five drop, giving a win condition alongside the anti-aggro tokens in the deck. Frostwolf Warlord also carries a surprise factor against opponents, who normally have little incentive to go out of their way to kill off tokens. Although Frostwolf Warlord is more situational than Bittertide Hydra, the advantage to including the Warlords over Hydras is that it allows you to race against token decks without fear of converting their 1 attack minions to significant damage.

Kranich also found some success with Hunter this past weekend, qualifying for Shanghai with his unique build of Secret Hunter which we featured last week. The deck, due to its more aggressive nature, is stronger against other aggressive decks, as well as Paladin, closing games before they are able to stabilize through Stonehill Defender taunts and Tarim, and also offers something new for those who have solely been playing Midrange Hunter for the past two months.

Data Reaper Report - Warlock

The beginning of the month is the best time for the Warlock class, because losses matter the least, especially at rank floors. This opens up some experimentation in the quest to find Unicorn Warlock.

This week’s janky addition comes in the form of Firebat’s Doom Handlock. This deck runs an absurd amount of expensive cards and incorporates the Bloodbloom/Doom combo as well as Medivh, which is a nod to the Doom Warlock deck that was popularized by StanCifka early on in the expansion’s life before fizzling out. The deck also includes Violet Illusionist, which can be used with Bloodbloom as early as turn 5, and is an attempt to ease the pressure on the Warlock’s own life total. Hopefully, Warlock gets a class specific form of healing next expansion that can fix the core issue in the class’ ability to play the long game.

Data Reaper Report - Meta Breaker

Freeze Mage was one the brightest stars of the early Un’Goro Meta. At some point, it sat on a win rate of over 55% according to our metrics. Very quickly, however, the Meta ruthlessly countered it until it was relegated to a small niche presence ever since. The biggest contributing factor to Freeze Mage’s suppression was the matchup with Burn Mage. Since both decks run Alex and Ice Blocks, you’re left in a matchup between a deck that runs Mana Wyrms and Fireland’s Portals and a deck that runs Frost Nova and Blizzard. This makes it a pretty lopsided affair.

However, with the continuing presence of Token Druid as well as the meteoric rise of Token Shaman, Freeze Mage has found its way back to the top of the power rankings table, despite the fact that Burn Mage remains one of the most popular decks in the game. The latest build, popularized by Freeze Mage God, Laughing (with which he finished #1 legend last month), incorporates Eater of Secrets in order to deal with the deck’s difficult mirror matchup, since it enables you to win the race for lethal by drawing aggressively and killing your opponent without opening up room for counter play in the form of a defensive Alex. As a bonus, it also removes secrets that those pesky Paladins are given by Hydrologists.

Now, Freeze Mage is back. If previous Un’Goro experiences are any indication, it will rise in popularity until the Meta begins to counter it, and then it will drop in its win rate. Its matchup spread is very healthy, and we believe it’s a very good deck to have in the Meta at the moment, as it perfectly answers the board flooding strategies that have become so prominent lately while also giving Rogues a difficult time.

Freeze Mage

Our Data Reaper Project, including the Data Reaper Live (Beta) has 2,600 active contributors. Without them, this project would not be possible, so we’d like to thank all of our contributors for their help.

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Preparing our weekly article requires a significant amount of time and effort from many individuals. We would like to wholeheartedly thank our current Patreons, whose generous donations help us fund computing and server costs.

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Special thanks to Leo GChungfr, Kognar, Zach D, Aaron B, Andrew C, Jiliac, Jed M, Caleb G, Drew M, and Alan J for supporting us for the month of June.

A HUGE thank you to our Tier 5 Patron(s): ByteCookie and Haya A!


Here are all the people that participated in bringing you this edition of the vS Data Reaper Report:

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  1. “this might be the best expansion in the history of Heathstone.”

    nope. LoE is better.

    • It wasnt as much a good meta cause it wasnt perfectly balanced. the loe meta was still only secret paladins and aggro shamans with some face hunters. now the meta is extremely diverse.

  2. “strategies that rely on buffing due to Devolve” That’s new meta right there !!! lol

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