Tues! Day! Night! Hype!
The weekly TNH tournament is up and ready for registration at teamvs.challonge.com/tnh6. Go sign up now.
…Do it!
Check-in starts at 6 p.m. eastern on Jan. 20 for an 8 p.m. start.
Thanks to all who have been making these unique tournaments a huge success, with more than 120 players consistently signing up.
If you love TNH, please consider sponsoring us to keep the series going and growing. Just use that handy little “Donate” button off to the right.
And if you didn’t make it past the group round last time, why not get some individual coaching from one of our incredible players – AlplexFatum, Demigod, or BeastMode!
We only ask that you consider a donation of $25-50 to take your game to the next level. (Remember: it’s not the size of the HearthStone collection. It’s how you use it…)