Concussive Shells
This spell’s baseline effect is already quite good. Sword and Board used to be played in Control Warrior. Concussive Shells goes face with the same numbers, which makes it significantly better.
Add the discount on a starship launch and Warrior easily has the best launch discounter out of the three Terran classes. It is cheap and always useful if we’re trying to prolong the game, which is what a starship deck with Jim Raynor would normally want to do.
Score: 3
Yamato Cannon
A 3/3 that casts deadly shot for 4 mana is not a playable constructed card, but the second trigger on a starship launch is a bonus that may push Yamato Cannon to be a fringe competitive option. This trigger is significantly stronger than Shaman’s or Paladin’s starship pieces, as it is an effect that suits the later stages of the game, where we are more likely to encounter big threats.
What could help this minion see play is the fact Warrior is well equipped to leverage a late game starship deck thanks to Hydration Station’s synergy with Arkonite Defense Crystal, but the archetype may deem it a luxury option.
Score: 2
Thor is not different from its compatriot class payoffs in its unplayability pre-launch. An 8 mana 8/8 that deals 5 damage is never good enough. However, Thor’s upgraded form scales the damage with additional starship launches. Note that it doesn’t scale off Raynor.
If we launch two starships during the game, it will launch three 5 damage shots: 1 targeted and others random. A Warrior deck focusing on launching as many starships as possible could potentially turn Thor into a game ending nuke. This damage might be wasted if the opponent has a significant board, but Warrior has good removal, which can help wear down the opponent and connect Thor’s damage face.
The scaling potential of the card is intriguing. Once again, Warrior might decide that Hydration Station is good enough with Arkonite Defense Crystal, but if it ever needs another finisher, this is a simple card to add.
Score: 2
Final Thoughts: We think Warrior has the most potential out of the three Terran classes due to the synergy it already has with Arkonite Defense Crystal. Add the best class discount card for starship launches, and we wouldn’t be surprised to see this archetype become one of the most experimented ones in the early days of the mini-set.