A random murloc has the average attack value of 2.2, with some having additional bonuses that could increase this value (such as Murloc Warleader or Plucky Paintfin).
We can’t help but compare Grunty to an old card with a very similar effect. Goliath, Sneed’s Masterpiece, was an 8 mana 8/8 that dealt 2 damage 5 times to minion targets of our choice. In terms of impact on a board of opposition minions, they have similar impact.
Of course, Grunty does have the upside of being useful without an enemy board, as surviving murloc minions can stick. However, Goliath was a largely non-competitive card. For Grunty to be competitive, it needs to be a lot better. We’re not convinced it is. We don’t think decks are that desperate for AOE effects that they would run this scuffed version of one.