Alloy Advisor
On paper, Alloy Advisor is a stabilizing taunt in aggressive matchups. If the opponent must trade into it, we can gain a lot of armor. This makes Alloy Advisor worth a lot of effective life for the cost.
In practice, cards that are only useful in one type of matchup don’t typically see play. Alloy Advisor has no immediate impact on the board and is worthless in slow matchups, as the armor isn’t as important while the stats are weak for the cost. Plenty of these cards have been printed in the past and were skipped over.
We don’t see Reno or Odyn Warrior running it. Hunter doesn’t care about armor. It might be okay in a Taunt Warrior deck as a follow-up to Battlepickaxe, but this isn’t a real Hearthstone deck and won’t become one thanks to this card.
Score: 1
Punch Card
Warrior already has tons of removal options that it doesn’t even use, so we’re not that excited to run Punch Card. It’s a cleave effect that can help us deal with early game aggression, with the potential to scale up if we have a weapon equipped. However, it’s relatively more situational compared to other effects, due to its dependence on minion placement. Its scaling through weapons isn’t something that we should be counting on either.
Reno Warrior likely doesn’t have space for it. The idea of pairing it with Odyn doesn’t appeal to us either. If we’re spending Odyn damage to clear minions, we’re already in trouble. This card is far too reactive for the Hunter class.
Score: 1
Reserved Spot
Is a 4/4 buff to a random minion in our hand ever worth 3 mana? No chance. This is a terrible card for Handbuff decks. The discount can only be realistically activated in non-Handbuff decks, requiring us to have a very low minion count to increase the chances of having a single minion in our hand.
Why would we do this? Even Sandwich Warrior is unlikely to get the discount. Hunter needs a high minion count to apply real pressure on the opponent. Even if the discount was worth 3 mana, this would be unplayable. Bizarrely weak spell, which seems completely pointless.
Score: 1
Final Thoughts: It looks like a complete skip for Warrior, which isn’t great news for the struggling class. Hunter is already used to its Tourist being completely useless. Nothing new there.