Welcome to the 102nd edition of the Data Reaper Report!
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Class/Archetype Distribution | Class Frequency | Matchup Winrates | vS Power Rankings | vS Meta Score | Class Analysis & Decklists | Meta Breaker of the Week | How to Contribute | Credits
Number of Games
Overall | 80,000 |
Legend | 13,000 |
Ranks 1-4 | 29,000 |
Ranks 5-9 | 26,000 |
Ranks 10-14 | 7,000 |
Class/Archetype Distribution
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Class Frequency
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Class Frequency Discussion
We’re at the 2nd report for Boomsday, and the meta is showing signs of turning on its head. The most popular class in the game, Warlock, has drastically declined at all levels of play. All Warlock archetypes, save for Cube Warlock, have seen their play rates drop. The biggest decline came from Zoo, which has seen its numbers collapse at the bottleneck to legend. As we’ve said last week, a decline in Zoo was expected since it did not display a power level eclipsing those of other common meta decks. It was a safe choice that was refined early, but it’s been largely overplayed.
Druid has also declined at every rank bracket, but at the same time, it has begun to diversify. Both Malygos and Togwaggle Druid exhibit decreased play rates, while Big Druid has significantly shrunk over the past week. Taunt and Spiteful Druid are Boomsday newcomers, while Token Druid maintains a very niche representation across all levels of play.
With Warlocks and Druids declining, other classes are stepping up. The class that has seen the biggest spike in popularity this week is Hunter. With a complete focus on Cube builds, we’ve renamed Deathrattle Hunter to its original Witchwood name, which cannot be confused with the deathrattle synergy that can also be observed in Mech Hunter decks (we’ve also renamed Deathrattle Rogue to Cube Rogue). Cube Hunter has soared in popularity at all levels of play and become the most popular archetype at legend. Spell Hunter has also slightly climbed in prevalence, while Secret Hunter has fully branched out from the minion-less archetype. Mech Hunter is the only class archetype that looks to be fading away.
Rogue has also risen in its popularity mostly thanks to the rise of Odd Rogue, an archetype we labeled as the strongest aggressive deck in the meta last week. At ranks 1-4, it has doubled its play rate. Other archetypes also present interesting trends. Miracle Rogue has paid the price of its early memery and drastically dropped in play. Cube Rogue has also taken a hit while Malygos Rogue is fading away into obscurity. Kingsbane Rogue’s presence remains small but noticeable, especially at legend.
But the Rogue archetype that is currently in the process of the most drastic change in its popularity is Quest Rogue. Outside of legend, you may not be aware it even exists. But, at legend it’s become quite prevalent. The higher you climb at legend ranks, the more of it you see.
Aluneth Mage has risen in play thanks to the success of several individuals piloting the archetype. Its climb in prevalence is particularly steep at legend. Big-Spell Mage has stood still, seeing a small amount of play across all rank brackets. Other archetypes of the class are dying out.
Warrior has awakened on the back of Odd Warrior’s steep climb in prevalence. The archetype looked like the most promising approach for the class last week, and many players have attempted to refine it. Odd Warrior’s presence is most noticeable at legend, where it has nearly tripled its numbers compared to last week. Could this be a sign of better times for Garrosh?
Shaman’s development seems relatively stagnant, with the class declining across the board. Midrange Shaman is in the process of cleaning up and becoming more efficient, while Shudderwock and Even Shaman present very stable builds.
Paladin presents some contradicting trends. At ranks 1-4, Odd Paladin has declined in play. At legend, it has significantly risen in play. Perhaps, Odd Paladin’s rise at legend comes from a heightened awareness of the deck’s good matchups. Odd Paladin is the strongest counter available to the rising Cube Hunter, while also performing very well against the Rogue class as a whole. In theory, this should increase Odd Paladin’s stock relative to the field. Outside of Odd Paladin, there are sprinkles of archetypes such as Even Paladin and Exodia Horsemen Paladin, but the Mech Paladin experiments are fading.
Priest sinks to the bottom of the meta. Recent trends show the OTK decks of Combo Priest and Mecha’thun Priest drop in popularity, which lines up with their terrible win rates. Control Priest is receiving slightly more attention but it’s still not enough to make it a relevant player in the meta.
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vS Meta Score
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vS Power Rankings Discussion
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the Quest Rogue Meta 3.0? After being hit with two balance changes in which its build-around card, The Caverns Below, was heavily nerfed to what seemed like oblivion, the cockroach of Hearthstone has once again returned. Quest Rogue has not just returned to the scene, it is dominating the scene with an absurd win rate that puts it at the #1 spot at legend. With every nerf, Quest Rogue only seems to get stronger. Once again, Quest Rogue dominates late game matchups and brings opponents to their knees with infinite value potential, incredible recovery tools, and a ruthless death timer. The power level of Quest Rogue will likely shake the meta to its very core, especially at higher levels of play, and bring about a drastic shift that could make Boomsday completely unrecognizable from its early days.
Rogue doesn’t just have the strongest late game deck in the meta, it still has the strongest aggressive deck in the meta. While Odd Rogue’s win rate has dropped as a result of its increased prevalence and focus on countering it (with one particular archetype we will talk about in detail), it is extremely powerful at all levels of play, and its favorable matchup against Quest Rogue should also become very relevant going forward. Warlock is the best class? Druid is the best class? Valeera laughs at these declarations as she looks to shape the meta around her middle finger.
The rise of Rogue has once again brought about the fall of Warlock. Gul’dan has been stabbed in the back and is bleeding profusely. Late game Warlock strategies have completely collapsed in their win rates, sinking into Tier 3. Zoo Warlock has also been punched in the face and kicked off the elite group of performers. We do believe slower Warlock archetypes may be suffering the effects of overly teching towards specific matchups, but they all have a core meta problem of dealing with one of the best decks in the game, Cube Hunter. The potential rise of Quest Rogue, especially at higher levels of play, is also crippling their future prospects.
What was tipped to be the dominant class of Boomsday doesn’t look to be that dominant. Don’t get us wrong, Druid is clearly a very strong class, but any narrative that labels it to be an unstoppable force these days is wide off the mark and has no basis in reality. Let’s dig into the details with this very complex class.
Malygos Druid is suffering a decreased win rate that pushes it off its Tier 1 status at legend. There are two primary reasons for this decline. The first is the rise of difficult matchups such as Cube Hunter, Odd Warrior and Quest Rogue. The meta is heavily prioritizing beating Malygos Druid at all costs and while it’s a very well rounded deck, it’s not without any weaknesses. The second and more important issue is what we can only call a regression in its refinement. You might be aware of hybrid Malygos/Togwaggle builds that run both win conditions and have recently grown in popularity to some degree. While they did see initial individual success and #1 legend achievements, these are trap builds you should not endorse if you’re interested in being consistently successful against the currently diverse field of opponents on ladder. We talk about why in the Druid class section.
Togwaggle Druid is declining in its performance at all levels of play, but at legend it’s showing signs of recovery. This is the result of an increase in one of its best matchups in Odd Warrior, but the win condition around which the deck is centered is still too weak against most of the field to make a significant impact. A rise in Quest Rogue should also prevent the deck from being too successful. It’s far too passive and easily punished.
Big Druid looks to have crashed hard, with recent meta trends not boding well for the archetype. The deck falls prey to many of the currently rising archetypes so we’re not surprised to see it decline in both win rate and popularity.
Token Druid is the most underrated deck in the game, with a very low play rate but a high win rate that is only climbing further. It’s easy to understand why Token Druid has gotten better over the past week. Its poor matchups almost exclusively come from the Warlock class, the same class that took a deep dive in its play rate. With so much focus on other Druid strategies, it might be shocking to see Token Druid displaying the highest win rate of all Druid decks, but make no mistake: It’s the real deal.
With Taunt and Spiteful Druid only recently appearing in the Boomsday meta, they should make it into the power ranking table next week. Both decks, so far, look quite competitive, displaying an estimated Tier 2 win rate. Taunt Druid seems to be the better Oakheart deck compared to Big Druid due to its very powerful and long-lasting late game. Spiteful Druid definitely merits more play and exploration, but a Quest Rogue meta could spell trouble for both archetypes.
Behind Quest Rogue’s breakout performance, another breakout performer has arrived. The Warrior class has finally made a significant mark on the meta with the emergence of Odd Warrior, launching into Tier 1 at higher levels of play. The reason for this rise in win rate mostly comes from the deck’s optimization. Poorly performing builds are fading away while successful innovations are turning Odd Warrior into a menacing and incredibly reliable counter to aggressive decks. It is also responsible for curbing Malygos Druid’s power at legend and psychologically misdirecting Malygos players into a worse variant. While it does have some great strengths, Warrior’s late game flaws remain. The Cube Hunter matchup is still very difficult, Quest Rogue is almost unwinnable and Odd Warrior is extremely vulnerable to other hard counters, making its matchup spread very polarizing. Its reliance on winning in fatigue means that it’s unlikely to grow too much in popularity since it can be relentlessly targeted down. Its Tier 1 status is legitimate but could be temporary.
Cube Hunter’s status as one of the best decks in the game hasn’t changed, and it’s probably the #1 choice for climbing ladder at all levels of play. It displays a slight weakness to aggressive strategies that push it off the board, but thrives in every midrange or late game matchup. But then there’s Quest Rogue, a deck that laughs off Cube Hunter’s game plan and completely picks it apart. As long as Quest Rogue is dominating, we can’t see Cube Hunter being more than 2nd best. Watch out for this matchup
Other Hunter decks look competitive, but not as strong. Spell Hunter’s fall in win rate is similar to Zoo’s fall in some ways. It was a deck that was figured out very early, and as the meta refined and improved, it found itself in a more unfavorable field. Secret Hunter also showed initial promise to be a powerhouse, but much like Spell Hunter, it turned out to be just decent.
Even Shaman is another well-kept secret. The archetype continues to display a relatively high win rate compared to its play rate, but lack of attention from content creators and streamers prevents it from gaining traction. Midrange Shaman’s rise in its win rate has slowed down as a result of the shifting meta, while Shudderwock Shaman is clearly struggling. We can’t place much faith in the deck’s future prospects either. Remember the last Quest Rogue meta in Witchwood? Shudderwock Shaman essentially couldn’t exist, and only appeared after the balance changes. Considering the deck is already weak before a more significant appearance of Quest Rogue, it’s easy to be skeptical of the jaws and claws.
Despite its rise in play, Aluneth Mage does not show any signs that it can be anything better than mediocre. We do believe that the deck could see success at high legend strictly to counter Quest Rogue, but in a diverse field, it has too many weaknesses. The rise of Odd Warrior isn’t helping either. Big-Spell Mage is a very strong deck to use in order to climb to legend and beat down aggressive decks, but at higher levels of play, it performs much worse. The Quest Rogue matchup is just as miserable as it used to be, and we fear that Big-Spell Mage could sink under 50% at higher levels of play in the near future as a result. The one asset that the archetype gained recently is its overpowering matchup against Odd Warrior.
Paladin is doing quite well. Odd Paladin is a very successful ladder deck, though its win rate decline may seem unintuitive considering some meta trends, but the decline in Zoo Warlocks, as well as the rise in Odd Warrior, offsets gains it made in other areas. Nevertheless, Odd Paladin is a borderline Tier 1 deck that performs very well against several meta powerhouses and shouldn’t be underestimated.
The reduction in memes is helping the overall win rate for the Priest class, but it’s still buried at the bottom. As of now, only Control Priest shows significant potential to establish itself in the meta, and even then, its performance is not groundbreaking (slightly under 50% based on its low sample size) and should only get worse with a rise in Quest Rogues.
Finally, let’s finish things with a few words about other archetypes:
Rogue decks not named Odd or Quest are in danger of disappearing. Recent trends do not bode well for Kingsbane or Miracle Rogue. Even if Miracle drops the meme win conditions we talked about last week, it’s unlikely to ever be relevant in a Quest Rogue meta. Kingsbane Rogue is strictly worse than Quest Rogue in every way, and should be made redundant in its presence. Cube Rogue isn’t a bad deck at all, but it’s a worse version of Cube Hunter without the infinite value fall back of Deathstalker Rexxar.
Odd Warrior might be the powerhouse of the class, but Taunt Warrior looks playable at the very least. It likely won’t survive due to the existence of better alternatives, but it’s the one Warrior deck other than Odd that looks competitive.
Is Paladin doomed to only run Odd Paladin for another expansion? It might not be. Both Exodia Paladin and Even Paladin actually look like playable decks with fairly competitive win rates based on their small samples. They are not stellar, but if you’re bored of Baku, they could be viable options.
Class Analysis & Decklists
Druid | Hunter | Mage | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior
Rogue’s representation has climbed this week, mostly on the back of two archetypes establishing themselves as significant players in the meta.
Odd Rogue has become the most prominent Rogue archetype and the strongest aggressive deck in the meta. The inclusion of Blood Knight has proven to be worthwhile, as its performance across multiple decks has been impressive due to the prevalence of Giggling Inventors. There is a debate surrounding Myra’s Unstable Element, and while the card is not essential to the success of the deck, we do like the outs it can provide in Odd Rogue’s poor matchups.
Quest Rogue has become the other significant archetype for the class, especially at higher levels of play. Multiple players have reached high legend ranks with the deck, which remains an intimidating counter to slower archetypes due to its incredible reload potential and infinite value through Zola/Valeera the Hollow. We do consider the featured build to be optimal, though there are some experiments with tech cards such as Ooze and Backstab. Watch out of this deck to completely reshape the meta at higher levels of play.
Cube Rogue is the new class archetype that has emerged from Boomsday and it has yet to be fully optimized. Raena hit #65 legend with a list that represents a strong direction for the archetype. The importance of drawing Necrium Blade makes running two Cavern Shinyfinders worth it. The list also includes Spiritsinger Umbra, which has plenty of synergy in the deck and can enable strong mid-late game swing turns.
The Miracle Rogue archetype continues to be a bit of a mixed bag. While its win rate is significantly hurt by early expansion experimentation, Miracle Rogue may still struggle to find a niche in the metagame even once it performs at its best. In similar fashion, Kingsbane Rogue is outclassed by Quest Rogue’s faster and more ruthless win condition. If you’re looking to counter control, it’s hard to justify running either of those decks over Quest Rogue.
Warlock remains the most popular class in the meta, but there’s already been a significant reduction in its popularity and power level, especially at legend.
Zoo Warlock is still one of the most popular decks in the game, but its drop from last week has been substantial and expected: other decks are catching up. In addition, counters such as Odd Rogue are rising in play, making it more difficult for Zoo to pick up the easy wins it often got from Mecha’thun decks. Still, Cube Hunter is growing in popularity, and that is a matchup Zoo shines in, so Flame Imp and his buddies should stick around. When it comes to builds, we haven’t been impressed with Doomguards, even though it seems like there aren’t better alternatives. There have been experiments running Dreadlords in their place, and Giggling Inventor also performs quite well in Zoo. If successful innovation occurs, it will likely be focused on the 5 mana slot.
Even Warlock has found it difficult to keep up with the times. With Togwaggle Druid and Mecha’thun decks failing to gain traction, it’s hard to justify running Demonic Projects. Even Warlock is better off solely running the 6-drop tech package if it wants to improve against Druids. The relatively tech light standard list is also a proven performer. There is always the option of sprinkling available tech as you see fit, but the rule of thumb is to not go overboard.
Control Warlock remains a viable option if you want to beat aggressive decks while utilizing combo disruption and fatigue acceleration tools in order to stymie late game decks. The power against Zoo and the decent win rate against Odd Rogue is very appealing, though be aware that Devilsaur Eggs and Deathstalker Rexxar make life difficult. While it’s not a popular choice, we believe that Despicable Dreadlords are extremely underrated in Control Warlock and they should only get better if Odd Paladin raises its head.
Finally, Cube Warlock just refuses to die. There is nothing new about this deck other than the inclusion of Giggling Inventor, but multiple players have found high legend success with it in recent times.
Druid is feeling the effects of a meta geared to beat it. As it turns out, the class is very powerful but it’s not unstoppable. The class does have so many powerful strategies available to it that it’s likely never going to drop out of the leading pack, but Druid is not an oppressive class in danger of taking over the Hearthstone meta.
Malygos Druid sees difficult matchups rising against it, with Cube Hunter and Odd Warrior becoming significantly more popular. What hasn’t helped matters is the rise of Maly/Waggle hybrids: Malygos Druid builds that also include the Togwaggle/Azalina/Florist win condition in favor of the standard late game cards of Alexstrasza and The Lich King. While this approach may look promising in theory, and has seen early success, it’s much worse than the Standard Malygos Druid. It’s a false dawn of innovation.
To clarify, the hybrid build is significantly worse in nearly every matchup, especially against aggressive decks. The only common matchup in which the hybrid build is significantly better is Odd Warrior (it’s not even better against Warlock decks with Demonic Project). This one matchup is nowhere near popular enough (and unlikely to ever get popular enough on ladder for various reasons) to make this a worthwhile tradeoff, so the rise of the hybrid build has actually led to regression. We would only possibly consider running the hybrid build in an anti-control tournament line up.
If you do run Standard Malygos Druid, you’ll still be playing one of the best decks in the game that has regularly seen success at the highest levels. The most viable tech option available to Malygos Druid is running one or two Mind Control Techs which improve your performance against Zoo and Cube Hunter at the expense of slower matchups. Both Theo and later on, Xixo, hit #1 legend with the same MCT build.
Big Druid is the one Druid deck that has struggled over the past week, but it has been able to display some solid individual results, with Thijs hitting #8 legend piloting a build that includes Floop.
Token Druid is also a consistent performer at all levels of play, and sees its stock rise due to the fall of Warlocks, with builds deviating by 1-2 cards at most from the featured build.
An interesting development is a significant rise in the number of Taunt Druids on ladder over the past week, and this archetype is also showing quite a bit of promise. LostHead hit top 100 legend on multiple servers running a fairly standard list with no Boomsday cards.
Finally, Spiteful Druid has also made its return on the back of BoarControl’s high legend success with the archetype. An optimal list has yet to be figured out, but we’re convinced The Lich King is a staple late game card that’s stronger than Grand Archivist (though we could possibly run both), and that Mind Control Tech/Blood Knight are the best 3 drop techs available at the moment. Floop is also a very powerful card in the deck.
There are two major stories for Hunter this week. The first story for Hunter is the rise in Secret Hunter. Players have realized the power of Subject 9 as a draw tool, which has enabled Hunters to include more early game cards. While initially resembling Spell Hunter with a small minion package, Secret Hunter is evolving into a midrange deck carrying a solid minion curve. Secretkeepers are able to find a place in lists as an early game snowball card. The featured build is inspired by MountainJohn’s top 10 legend list, but removes tech cards for faster cycle through Tracking. The secret package is very flexible, but we assess that Wandering Monster should always be a 2-of, since it’s such a powerful card in general.
The other Hunter story is the noticeable rise in play of Cube Hunter. News of the power level of the archetype has not gone unnoticed. Builds for Cube Hunter are also becoming more standardized. The Kathrena/Keleseth variant largely outperforms builds running Mechanical Whelp and Fireworks Tech, and the latter are fading away.
Meanwhile, Spell Hunter has mostly stagnated. That is not to say it isn’t competitive, but its refinement phase seems to already be over while more attention is given to the aforementioned Hunter decks.
Mage continues to hold the middle ground amongst the 9 classes with Aluneth and Big-Spell Mage remaining the primary archetypes.
Interest in Aluneth Mage has increased as players look to SMOrc their way to victory in a field that doesn’t have too many pure aggressive decks doing well. While Aluneth Mage does have an extremely polarizing matchup spread, one matchup may make it a more relevant option at higher levels of play. Aluneth Mage obliterates Quest Rogue in ways no other deck does, and this could explain why its play rate has increased most at legend. The optimal build has been largely agreed upon by most players with Bloodmage Thalnos usually acting as the flex spot.
Big-Spell Mage is very well rounded but it does have an issue dealing with the increase of Cube Hunters. There just aren’t enough Polymorphs to deal with the number of threats and value Hunter can generate. A potential rise in Quest Rogue is also one the archetype must fear. In general, running Big-Spell Mage means we’re interested in countering aggressive decks, so if you’re facing that kind of meta, we definitely like the Keleseth version more.
Odd Warrior is making its breakout performance this week, with a major spike in its win rate and play rate as a result of favorable meta shifts but most importantly, its own refinement.
Multiple players have hit high legend ranks with Odd Warrior over the past week, but the build that might be the strongest against the field originated in the Data Reaper’s lab. Looking for a way to improve the terrible Cube Hunter matchup, which was the main obstacle to Odd Warrior’s ladder potential, ZachO added two copies of Ironbeak Owls and Mind Control Techs. This has resulted in a 70% win rate climb at legend to the top 200. Multiple players who frequent the competitive HS subreddit (Corbett, BigBoy, Ets) took the same list to high legend ranks as well.
One of the key contributors to Odd Warrior’s success is Supercollider, which is not even present in some lists, but has turned out to be one of the best cards in the deck. It allows the Warrior to disrupt the opponent’s board development and synergizes very well with Tank Up. By running minimal cycle and Direhorn/Elise, Odd Warrior is capable of consistently pushing late game decks to fatigue first, which is very important in several matchups. One popular tech in Odd Warrior is Azalina Soulthief, which can be strong against Druids and find use in the Odd Warrior mirror, but it’s a bit of a luxury card at the moment.
Overall, Odd Warrior is extremely well positioned against aggressive decks, and boasts crippling win rates against some of them. It’s also a reliable counter to Malygos Druid. It greatly benefits from the weakness of Togwaggle Druid both as an archetype and as an alternative win condition against the rest of the field. Odd Warrior’s biggest weakness is Quest Rogue, decks that generate infinite value or damage (Shudderwock/Big-Spell Mage) and the OTK Priest decks that have fallen off in play after the early days of the expansion.
We expect Warrior’s rise in play to continue. It’s probably the best time to play the class in months, and fans of Garrosh will be hoping upcoming meta trends do not aggressively push it back down to the pits of despair.
The expansion might be out for only a few weeks, but when it comes to Shaman, it feels like we’re three months into an expansion.
Barely any attention is given to the class. All of its archetypes are not seeing new or interesting developments when it comes to their builds. We do think that both Even Shaman and Midrange Shaman are strong decks, so you can find a lot of success with them. When it comes to Shudderwock Shaman, however, things are a lot more difficult and it might get worse before it ever gets better due to Quest Rogue.
Build wise, the two proactive Shaman archetypes have room for improvements, so we’re interested to see whether players actually try to significantly change how they’re structured.
Arcane Dynamo is likely the weakest card in Even Shaman, but it is a card that can enable victories in slower matchups. Discovering a Bloodlust or The Storm Bringer is game changing against Druid, for example.
The Electra spell package with Lightning Bolt and Lightning Storm is the weakest aspect of Midrange Shudderwock Shaman. It’s possible that removing the reactive shell and simply running more proactive minions ends up making the deck better without sacrificng percentages in aggressive matchups.
Paladin has become even more one-dimensional this week, as players of this class continue to mostly play Odd Paladin on ladder.
The archetype boasts a favorable matchup against three of the most popular decks in the meta (Zoo, Odd Rogue, Cube Hunter), resulting in a very good win rate overall. Over the past week, Wargear and Zilliax have fallen out of favor due to being too clunky and inconsistent to use. Instead, Blood Knight has risen in play and has proven to be a decent tech card against opposing Giggling Inventors (as well as your own in a pinch). Considering meta trends, Odd Paladin may increase in its popularity due to being the best counter available to Cube Hunter.
Mech Paladin is still searching for ways to perform better than it has so far. We see some promise in NHERO’s high legend Egg build. The key takeaway is running Meat Wagon in order to cheat out Mechano-Egg. Spiritsinger Umbra enables some silly shenanigans, and with Crystology in the deck, you’re almost guaranteed to draw relevant synergistic cards at every stage of the game. With the package of Equality/Consecration/Pyromancer, the deck can play the control game against aggressive opponents, while utilizing Kangor’s Endless Army as its win condition against control by resurrecting an oppressive amount of value through buffed eggs.
As reported last week, Priest was a first week meme, but we also alluded to the high potential of Control Priest. While the meme lists have seen a decrease in play rate since our last article, Control Priest has seen an increase in overall play. Well, an increase in Boomsday Priest terms. Interestingly enough, the deck remains pretty much the same as before the Boomsday release, save for the potential inclusion of Giggling Inventor. This really shows just how poor the influx of Priest cards was this time around. Not many players are really experimenting with the class at the moment, and unfortunately, there just isn’t much to say about it.
Here we go again. Team 5 seems to be struggling to put down the menace known as Quest Rogue and it remains to be seen whether another balance change is coming for this headache-inducing deck. After being heavily nerfed twice, it’s incredible that Quest Rogue manages to make another comeback and is about to take over the game. A rise in Quest Rogues will spell trouble for every other late game strategy.
What happens next? Much like its previous two incarnations, Quest Rogue struggles against aggressive strategies that pressure its life total early and do not give it time to set up its game plan. If its numbers become overbearing, it will encourage the meta to pick up the pace and start hitting face. This may send the meta into a cycle where extremely polarizing matchups are quite common.
Remember folks,
Valeera always finds a way.
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